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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Blue Code- Another great episode, and a fun reaction from you! Thank you very much! I really like this episode and the major storyline, as well as the side storyline involving Fusco. First... in regards to what Kara and Snow meant about Reese and LOS being behind enemy lines... it's meant as a warning that if they are compromised, and aren't initially killed by what compromises them, then the division with the CIA they work for will kill them for getting themselves compromised. Just like we see in the end when Snow's men kill LOS for having to be bailed out of jail. Now... I really enjoy the major storyline with Reese and the undercover cop, Tully. And I love how Carter and Fusco are both enlisted to help Reese and Finch to protect Tully in different capacities. I also love how Reese lies about Tully being the dirty cop when he's about to have his cover blown, as Reese quickly attacks him so he can pull the phone from him to make himself appear to be the undercover cop. To protect Tully from being caught with it. And I enjoy their conversation during Reese's "interrogation" while the leader's off preparing for them to move out. I like the trust between them. I also love the whole scenes where Tully shoots Reese, only grazing him, then as Reese breaks out of the trunk of the car on fire. It's crazy and great! :) Reese then meets up with Carter and together they help Tully take down LOS and the rest of the criminals, including the leader of his band of smugglers. And lastly... I absolutely love the scene between Fusco and the dirty cop involved within HR in the end, as the dirty cop is about to kill Lionel. I love Lionel's final words and in this moment, even though I've really loved Fusco since the beginning, I really grew to love him even more, and when Reese saves him just in the nick of time, my heart breaks for Fusco a little when Reese tells him he needs him to stay within HR so they can work to take them down and learn what they're up to. Fusco longs to be a good cop and to become a good man in Reese's eyes, and while Reese does recognize that Lionel's done well and that he appreciates all Fusco's done for him, you can see the hurt in Lionel's eyes and on his face. Overall... I enjoy this episode very much. It's brilliant seeing this side of Fusco and hearing Reese acknowledge his good work. All storylines in this episode are really good. Thank you again, Mega! Until next time...

Jimmy Jones

Time to catch up on POI