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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

My Brother's Keeper- Thank you very much for another great reaction for Lucifer! I enjoy this episode a lot, especially because we get a story so focused on Ella, and because we get to see just how much Lucifer really cares for her too. Much like a big brother loves his little sister. Which coincides perfectly with Ella's storyline involving her relationship with her real brother. And I love it! In this episode, we get to meet another of Ella's brothers. Her older brother, Jay Lopez. If you recall, we also met her younger brother, Ricardo Lopez, back in season two's episode... A Good Day to Die. As we learned previously, Ricardo is a seedy criminal running, or who possibly even owns a chop shop. And we also know that Ella was involved in criminal activities once upon a time too, upon her revealing that she used to steal cars and that she enjoys driving them really fast. She had also revealed to Dan that she learned how to pick locks from her grandmother. Now... in this episode, we learn that her older brother, Jay, is also a criminal who works with diamonds to illegally remove their serial numbers. Sadly, Ella doesn't know about his criminal activity. He's hidden his criminal lifestyle from her because he knows that she looks up to him for always taking care of her and their family. Which I can understand, but it's sad that Jay isn't the hero Ella believes her brother to be. And this is why I love the ending scene between Jay and Lucifer, which I will come back to momentarily... First... I enjoy the start to this episode as we are first introduced to Jay and then learn early on that he is Ella's brother when he's working with the jewel appraiser working with the owner of the jewelry shop to steal the diamonds for the insurance money, as Ella calls his phone. It's strange that Jay would have the contact name for Ella simply as LAPD in his phone, but it's kind of funny too. Unfortunately for Jay, seeing LAPD come up on his phone causes the thief to pull a gun on him. Jay gets caught up in a much bigger crime as he comes to be the biggest murder suspect in Chloe's and Lucifer's latest case upon the thief mysteriously getting killed. I enjoy the overall case, even though it might be one of the weaker cases throughout this show. As sad as it is that Jay turns out to be crooked after all, I love Ella's longing to believe that her brother is innocent of both the murder and of any other wrongdoings. And I love how Ella hires Maze to help her find Jay in order to protect him from the real killer and anyone involved. The scenes between Ella and Maze throughout this episode are fantastic! A lot of fun. I especially love the scene when they arrive at the seedy motel where Maze believes Jay has run to in order to hide, as the women interrogate and threaten the guy running the motel. So funny! :) And I love the scene between Lucifer and Chloe when they go to talk with the jewelry shop owner about the diamond insurance scam they've learned about, especially when Chloe starts a ruse as she pretends to be engaged to Lucifer and starts to put up a fuss about the diamond ring he's supposedly given her being a fake. Absolutely hilarious. And it's great that Lucifer doesn't ever say a word during her ruse except when defending himself upon Chloe accusing him of being cheap. Lucifer prides himself on always telling the truth and so when he defends his honor, he's telling the truth because he's far from cheap. And because he can't lie, Lucifer can't actually participate in her ruse, given that doing so would require him to lie. I love the attention to detail throughout this show. It's fabulous! :) And then... I absolutely love how Maze saves Ella's and Jay's lives in the end in spite of quitting the case when they both get caught by the real killer. It's great to see how much Maze still cares about Ella and those she's come to meet through Lucifer. I also love how Ella tries to defend Maze too when Chloe asks her about the demon blade found in the killer's body after Maze kills him to protect Ella and Jay. Ella is so adorable when she becomes flushed and attempts to lie. And I love that Chloe already knows that Maze was involved upon recognizing the demon blade, given that she and Maze are roommates and knows her better than Ella does. And this brings me to my favorite scene throughout this episode... I absolutely love the ending when Lucifer confronts Jay upon figuring out that he's involved in the crime more than he let on. That he has skimmed money for himself outside of what he's stolen to care for his family. I love, love, love how protective of Ella Lucifer becomes, as he warns Jay not to ever disappoint Ella ever again. And how he then tells Jay that he isn't going to tell Ella of her brother's involvement because he doesn't want to hurt her. It's wonderful seeing Lucifer act as a big brother to her after Jay has failed her, and I love that he threatens Jay not to ever let her know about his criminal activities and to never break her heart. Beautiful!! As for the storyline throughout this episode between Amenadiel and Cain... I really enjoy the dynamic between them, especially upon learning that Amenadiel had been the one to mark Cain all those years ago, which is his main reason for refusing to help Lucifer in his plan to help Cain to die. Because Amenadiel fully believes Cain deserves his punishment God has bestowed upon him for killing his brother. It's also great to see more of Cain's darker side as he suddenly changes from being Pierce the police Lieutenant, to being Cain, the world's first murderer when he soon threatens Amenadiel's life, as well as the lives of everyone inside LUX when he pulls out his service weapon and fires into the air. He and Amenadiel then gets into a fight that tears apart LUX once again. It's fun seeing them fight and the number of ways Pierce can die after getting shot, stabbed, etc... Even more so... I really love when Amenadiel confronts Lucifer afterwards and tells his brother that he is going to protect him, even from himself if need be, because he recognizes that Lucifer's deal with Cain is dangerous and that it could be more dangerous for all those Lucifer cares about. I always love seeing Amenadiel continue to be Lucifer's protector in spite of Lucifer's irrationality in trying to punish their father by going against him with Cain. It's fantastic to continue to see Amenadiel show his love for his brother no matter how difficult Lucifer can be. Overall... this is a fun episode and I really enjoy it a lot. Especially for Lucifer's protectiveness towards Ella, as well as for Amenadiel's protectiveness towards Lucifer too. And I love getting to know more about Ella and about Cain's punishment as we come to see more of Cain's darker side. So... thank you very much for another great reaction, Mega! Until your next reaction...