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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

'Til Death Do Us Part- Thank you for another fun reaction to more Lucifer. Now... like I mentioned at the end of my comments under the last episode, this episode is one of my least favorite episodes, not just within season three, but throughout the entire show. It definitely has its funny moments, and even tender moments that I appreciate all the more because they make up for most of what I really don't care about. Sadly, I just feel that there is more that I dislike within this episode. First, in answer to your question about Pierce killing his brother... if you recall, Cain is known as the first murderer because he killed his brother, Abel. So when he talks about the Sinnerman having killed his brother, he means this in a metaphorical sense, much like how Linda believed Lucifer always spoke whenever he claimed to be the Devil throughout season one. Because Cain has taken on the persona of the Sinnerman, the Sinnerman metaphorically killed his brother. And this is the reason why Cain has been punished by God to live forever as a mortal who can die over and over, and feel all the pain that comes with it. Because he killed Abel after their parents... Adam and Eve, were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and had the first born children. Now... while the beginning of this case started out stronger, it definitely became weak by the ending and is pretty weak all throughout this episode. I really don't care much for anything during the domestic scenes while Lucifer and Pierce are undercover as a married couple. Lucifer has some funny lines here and there, but nothing that really stands out at all. I understand why Lucifer feels strongly about going through with their charade, so that he could try to learn what makes Cain vulnerable. I just really don't enjoy anything about their sting. The case is overall kind of boring and too bizarre for my liking, and I don't find most of the scenes or fake relationship between Lucifer and Pierce funny. By far... the best part about the overall case is before their undercover operation, when Lucifer breaks into the drug lord's karaoke parlor to bring in their suspect, and proceeds to beat up every one of the drug lord's thugs when they attempt to kill Lucifer. I love how Chloe had warned Lucifer that he can't just break in and call out "Hello, drug dealers" in her very funny British accent, only for Lucifer to do just that, but as he says "Hello, drug dealers" in Mandarin. And I love the fight as he takes them all down, and how this fight is shot and choregraphed as well. It's fantastic. Plus... I really enjoy Chloe's and Lucifer's interrogation of the drug lord as well, after he gave up everything with such ease and even joy upon Lucifer making a deal with him. The formula for the K-pop, in exchange for a full confession of his crimes. As for the end result of the case... I definitely agree with you that communication is key. I felt the end results of the case is a bit weak. I can't say I really like the wife's motive for killing the drug cook, given that it was just an accident after she didn't just ask her husband for the truth upon believing that he was having an affair with the woman when the druggist kept denying an affair. And on top of this... I think it's stupid that the wife was written to have also put the woman's body into the woodchipper, when she simply killed her by accident despite her anger towards the other woman. If she would have had more malicious intent for wanting the woman dead, then for her to throw the body into a woodchopper might have been more believable to me. But simply for it to have been just an accident and for the wife to then move on to destroy the body in such a brutal manner? It makes no sense to me. Outside of the case... I enjoy the scenes between Dan and Charlotte a lot. And I appreciate being able to continue to see such growth in Dan's character in spite of his stupid missteps because of Maze making him feel awkward and uncomfortable at their dinner and because of the initial awkwardness between him and Charlotte because of everything that happened between Dan and Charlotte while her body was possessed by the Goddess. Mostly... I really love that Dan is willing to wait for Charlotte to be ready to take the next step in their relationship should something more come between them. And I agree with you again, that I too grew to like Charlotte more and more the first time I watched this season because of Dan and truly seeing how much he genuinely cares about her. As for Maze's involvement with their storyline throughout this episode... I can't say I really care too much for her acting so strange towards Charlotte, at least not until the revelation that Maze smells and senses Hell all over Charlotte, which for Maze... this definitely makes sense. I like that Charlotte later opens up to Maze about having been to Hell and her struggle with trying to have a normal life. However, I hate that Maze just dismisses her and then walks off without any effort whatsoever to help Charlotte. It's in her character to do so, but I wish Maze could just be a bit more like the Maze we love from season two, and less like the callous, cold, and gruff Maze that she's turning into more and more as this season continues on. As for the growing development between Chloe and Pierce... I am absolutely continuing to hate their exchanges more and more with every episode. Chloe is acting more like a giddy school girl around him, while Pierce continues to show no interest in her whatsoever. And you're right that while their one brief moment of understanding and more than what we normally see during their car scene when talking about the Sinnerman having killed Pierce's brother a few episodes back was a bit sweet, it was very short and hardly memorable. There is no chemistry between them, or even between their actors whatsoever. Lucifer and Chloe have chemistry in spades and even in the time when she liked Lucifer more than just as her close friend and partner within season two, Chloe never acted so strangely and awkwardly like this with him. Except for briefly in season two's episode... Love Handles, when she tries to take Maze's advice to throw caution to the wind until she quickly comes to her senses that she doesn't have to act out of character with Lucifer. That made sense. I just absolutely hate that the creators and writers have continued to push this relationship with Chloe and Pierce more and more when they make no sense. If I have a favorite moment within this episode, outside of the fight between Lucifer and the drug dealers inside the karaoke parlor, then I would have to say that I love the beginning exchanges between Lucifer and Pierce. First... their scene together at LUX when Lucifer is trying to figure out a way to kill Cain and attempts to kill him with one of Maze's demon blades. And second... I love their brief therapy session inside Pierce's office at the precinct, especially in seeing Lucifer wearing glasses to imitate Linda. And I love that Lucifer actually looks like Clark Kent when wearing the glasses too, which is hilarious because Tom Welling played Clark/Superman in Smallville. And the second nod to Smallville too, when Lucifer tells Pierce that everyone has a kryptonite while he works out how to discover what Pierce's might be. And lastly... I love the exchange between Lucifer and Pierce in the very end as well, when Pierce recognizes that perhaps Lucifer is more lonely than he lets on as well, and that he comes to understand that this is the real reason for Lucifer wanting to tick off his father. I don't really like that Lucifer comes to see Pierce as somewhat of a friend, but I understand why he would, given that right now... they really do understand better than anyone else how it feels to be so alone because of who they are. But I will say that I don't agree with Pierce accusing Lucifer of not understanding how it feels to worry about losing all he cares about and living well beyond them, when Lucifer is much older than even he is. Yes... Lucifer has been on Earth only for five years, but he's been alone and trapped in Hell for eons and for longer than Cain has been alive. So... if anything, Lucifer understands this better than Pierce does. The only time I like Pierce throughout this season... is in a few of his scenes with Lucifer, because their characters and their actors can play off one another really well when a scene is done right. But outside of their few good scenes together... I can't help but feel that Pierce/Cain is one of my least favorite characters throughout this entire show. And it's really too bad, because I strongly feel that with them bringing Cain into this phenomenal show, his overall character arc could have been really amazing had they given him a better story. But in my honest opinion, the creators and writers have failed in writing a character I could have really loved and sadly don't. Overall... this episode is just okay. I also really miss seeing Linda, Ella, and Amenadiel in this episode. If I were to watch Lucifer in its entirety all over again on my own, which I do every now and again... this is one of the few episodes I would skip over. Thank you for your reaction, my friend! It's good to know that we agree about this episode being just okay for the most part. Don't worry... the next few episodes you will be watching are really good, so I'm excited for all that's to come. Until then...

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

This episode it’s one of my favorites from all the series it’s very underrated and Tom’s scenes are super great ❤️🤷🏻‍♀️