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Hey guys, I hope you are all having a fantasying day.

I am awesome (thanks for asking :)

I just posted a reaction video of a beautiful Spanish ukulele duo by HONOKA AND AZITA "Bodysurfing" (Watch the video here!).

After posting this video, I thought, "Maybe I should ask my uke family to forward me videos of them playing my lessons so I can react to it and give feedback."

Some of you have already sent me videos on my Instagram page (thanks a lot for doing that). However, it would be great to make it a "thing."

I am not sure you are interested in this, but it would actually be great to see some of you (or all of you) playing some of my exercises.

Let me know what you think!

You can send me the videos in different ways:

1. Upload the video on YouTube or Vimeo (they are free to use) and send me the link. (You can set the video to private, so only the users with the link can watch it).

2. Upload the video on your Google Drive and send me the link to the video (go to Uke with Marco dot com and leave a message with the link).

3. Share the video on Instagram and tag me, so I have your video in my Instagram tag library. 

Let me know what you think!




Oooh I like this, there’s a few lessons I’ve had the time to fully work through and complete so I’ll try and send you my favorite.

Krysia Bamford

My playing is very slow and out of time if it sounded closer to your beautiful playing I would be happy to video but currently I’d be too ashamed.


I’m bad too, you should send him one. He’s a teacher so he’s seen everything and he would be the only one to see it. Plus it will give you practice in front of a camera. Just give yourself like 10 records and pick the best one. 😁


I already did a video of me playing my uke, it was awful. Nearly made me give up. 😅


Yes, please! I'm looking forward to be part of the lesson!

Margaert Shepherd

I have Red Light Syndrome as soon as that little red recording light comes on my playing goes to pieces and I make so many mistakes , It would takes so long to get a good video I give up .😒


Thank you, Marco for offering to do this. It would be so valuable to have your assessment, tips and recommendations that apply specifically to me. Realistically it's going to take some time and thought. I need to figure out my process and implement it. What I can do immediately is start making a video of myself practicing one of the lessons I'm working on. I'll do my own assessment of what things I observe that I need to be working on like chord transitions, picking pattern or timing. Also assessing the self-video process like camera position and angle, lighting, sound, whether or not I can see my hands etc . . . . basic things like that. I'll practice the things I see that I need to improve. Then I'll make another video in a week or two. I think this will help me overcome some of my camera fright and improve my awareness of my skills. It will take me some time to be able to actually submit a video to you with maybe a question or two for you to answer. In the meantime could you please have "Student Marco" submit one of your lessons to you. Then you could do a reaction video just the way you did this one. "Student Marco" submission could be in the inset window and you can showcase how you do a reaction video for one your students. This gives me fresh inspiration and instruction and another way to see my improvement so I don't get discouraged. Thanks again!


Funeral music


I think it’s a great idea, although a bit intimidating. It still won’t deter me. However, I still need lots of practice in between working on improving my guitar skills and songwriting. I’ve been playing guitar for many years and writing gospel songs. I started learning ukelele about a month ago, which is helping me with branching out with my guitar playing. My goal is to begin a music ministry to nursing homes along with my sister when Covid restrictions there lift. And to start recordings on Facebook and Instagram.


This sounds like a wonderful idea, I’m working toward this I use one of your songs as my daughters lullaby at night. I hope to post this soon, if at all possible could you put links up for these videos. I would love to see the progress of others as well it’s quite motivating in my opinion