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Hey guys, I need your help. 

I am putting down ideas for a ukulele course ... 

I have two questions:

Question 1. Do you guys really want another ukulele course? I am sure there are plenty out there already. 

Question 2. What's the thing you struggle with the most with the ukulele, and what's the number one thing you wish you could fix right now in your playing (playing better chords, understand music theory, learn how to write chord progressions, etc.). 

P.S: New video tomorrow! 

Love you! 



Count me in on your course! ❤️


I don’t necessarily need a course on the ukulele. I enjoy hearing an awesome song or chord progression you made, and then using the tab you provide to learn it on my own in conjunction with your video explaining it. That’s how I learn the best 🤷‍♂️ so I personally don’t need a course, I would just like you to keep making some awesome music 😁


Hi Marco I am new at learning chord melody in ukulele. I am very interested in breaking down the music so we can really start to progress using your style of playing. I love your channel and appreciate your love of beautiful music! Thanks!


Marco - thanks for all that you do. I feel like I have been enjoying your courses as you have a great approach to teaching - calm and collected. One thing that I would like to try to figure out is truly learning the fret board. Example what note is 7 fret of the G string - yes I can figure that out by slowly counting the up the fret board. But a lesson on how you learned and remember the fret board would be great. Thanks


Your approach is so different from others I’ve seen and I stick with you because of it. I’d like learn from you about uke cord progressions. I’ve taken some of your guitar courses as well, but need to develop those skills. I like the content and would love to see something like that with the uke. You truly have been blessed with such skill and its enjoyable


Hi - I've liked your videos a lot - I think in large part because they're not a course. They're varied and with enough challenge to keep me challenged for a bit, or to work into my practice routine. I think if you had a course, I'd likely just pass on it. The biggest thing I struggle with really is building speed into my playing while maintaining tone and accuracy. I know part of that is practice and repetition, but if there are other techniques or strategies you have that'd be great to hear.


Hi Marco, wow I agree with many other commenters. " Building speed w/accuracy. Remembering positions on the fretboard. Love what you've given us already. Thanks for all of your hard work. Please keep it coming. Much appreciated 😊


I like what you do now. As you indicated there are many courses and books to choose.


I love the content you are already providing. It is skill building in multiple ways and always lovely to listen to. There are already more than enough courses available. By the way, one of the things that is outstanding with your playing is tone. Many ukulele players play extremely well but they don’t produce the sweetness of sound that you do. That, as well as your video content, is what led me to subscribe on YouTube and as a patron.


There are many ukulele websites, but I like the more melodic style you bring . My interest at this time is in chord melody and how to select the chord to fit the melody note...I’m fascinated by music theory . They say “It’s never too late,”..but I have left it longer than most !! Keep up the good work Marco, it’s much appreciated.


Bringing songs to performance level. The nuances. What takes it to the next level?


There really are too many courses already available. I have tried a couple but much prefer what you are doing currently. Individual songs and techniques keep me motivated. Thank you for your passion and love of the music.


I've just signed up to your Patreon because I like what you are doing now. If you have time to do a ukulele course I'd rather you used that time to give us more videos like you do now :)


Count me 2 😌😄


Lessons on strumming. Andulusian cadence maybe?


I'm loving your current approach both for ukulele and guitar. There is enough material to keep my always learning and pushing. Don't think I would participate in a structured course.


sure, there are other courses and lots of vidoes out there but, I would love to see your take on it. What I really like in your videos is how you empasize finger style and the sound of melody over strumming random chords to produce beautiful sounds. I would rather just play uke than playing and singing at the same time. So, I think it would be a very unique and valuble course.


Never actually manage to find time for courses, I like the way you do different stuff. Blues lead would be nice😁


The ukulele compliments my guitar playing ,so I would say bring it on. The thing I’m most interested in would be learning how to put my writing to chords and a melody. Your teaching is as calm and soothing as your music! I support it 100%. Best wishes to you and your growing family. Lou


I have voted yes - but don't do a course that is similar to others. I can't sing but enjoy the type of music you create. Make it about making the ukulele the creator of the melody not just the chords that accompany a song.


Maybe an intermediate level course? So many out there are intro (I believe).


I have tried to use other on-line ukulele courses in the past, and they tend to focus on either learning specific songs. That's okay if the goal is to learn those particular songs. with your approach, I am learning to develop better finger picking techniques. While your lessons are challenging, I get a sense of accomplishment when the lesson or technique is (somewhat) mastered. Please keep it up!


I have been playing pretty much every day for about 5 years now. I have taken a couple of on line courses and found them to be marginally helpful. Your none course vids have been way more useful and form the core of my daily practice. That being said, I deeply appreciate your teaching style and approach to the art of making music and suspect, if you do take the time to offer a course, it would be better than most of the ones currently out there.


Still struggle with barre chords and the right way to hold a Uke. Seems basic but just can’t seem to find a good position


Your approach to ukulele is so refreshing and motivational, thank you for all you have done in the past. I would embrace a course , if offered.


Barre chords are the devil for my short, wide, knobby fingers. Any suggestions appreciated.


I need hints on how figure out which fingers are best for which note in a particular melody. Also hints on how to practice best, how to work on a song until I can play it fluently.


I voted yes, because the videos you make and the lessons you already teach seem so unique in the YouTube world that I feel a course from you would be unique in it’s own way and I think it would help attract new people to your channel and help you grow. I struggle with Tone and getting things to sound nice.


Thank you for your focus on melodic playing. I tend to think in melody more than cords from playing brass instruments. I struggle with understanding how to incorporate melody with cords. Also, I still feel awkward holding the instrument while going up and down the fretboard. Whether you create a course or not, this is my main interest. Thanks for what you share! :)


I am playing ukulélé since few months, I have discovered your YouTube channel and just fall il love with your melodies ! Your way to teach is great for me ! Please make more and more videos like that ! I am improving every day because of your melodies that I want to play all the time ! 👍🏻😉


İ will never know everything what ever you pass on to me would be very much apreciated, so go ahead and lets get started


Marco, please do a course! I have learned so much by following your videos with the arrangements but something more systematic, structured would be fantastic. There are indeed a lot of entry level, beginner courses to be found on YouTube, but a course that focused on fingerstyle uke, incorporating arrangements like you’ve made, progressing to harder pieces... that would be novel and most, most welcome. I’d pay for it!

Craig Woods

I get the most from your lessons


I struggle with speed and fluency . Love your lessons but if you need time out for parenthood, go for it.


Hi Marco, I am making so much progress (and having fun) from practicing your beautiful melodic fingerpicking lessons. I would definitely be a supporter of any structured courses that you published especially a course that progresses through beginner, intermediate to advanced levels. If you decide to publish a course I am certain it will be of your usual informative and entertaining standard. I would imagine your efforts will be well supported and appreciated into the future by a growing audience of budding Ukulelists. The number one thing I wish I could fix is establishing clear short term goals and a meaningful practice schedule. My current practice is a bit random - pick one of your lessons and give it a go. My current challenges and focus are: 1. Understanding of chord progressions. 2. Music theory - currently I am beginner level. 3. Right and left hand coordination - making the transition from using a guitar pick to fingerpicking is quite challenging for me. 4. Fingerpicking RH nails - shape, maintenance etc.. I am a retired senior and feel so fortunate to have discovered this amazing little instrument. To one day be able to confidently play classical and blues tunes melodically will be wonderful.


Yes, please do more tutorials, there are very good and different than others. Also, could you do some Baritone lessons as well?


I would like to learn some music theory. I went the easier way, learning uke with tabs and chords, intentionally, so I would feel accomplishment early on and want to stay with it. It worked! And, now it's time to learn theory!


I struggle remembering strumming patterns and finger picking patterns. Both kind of relate to rhythm I guess. Time signatures perhaps. I seem to revert back to the one of two patterns I know and wish I could mix those two things up more.


And I agree with the comment that there are so many beginner courses out there. I’d like to learn some intermediate techniques and tips on how one should practice to see improvement.


A course on making sense (and fun) of scales and improvisation would be nice. I have some music theory for uku books and what I think they lack is excersizes... Like you learn about transposing and get a set of chords to transpose... Sort of like a work book with a solution key in thé back.


The main frustration for me is the hard chords, Bb, the dreaded E but even the G can be challenging because of the shape and length of my fingers. What exercises can I do to stretch my fingers, how can I deal with muted strings because the fleshy part mutes the string behind it? For example even the Dm chord which doesn’t appear to difficult, the finger on the C string will mute the E string. Is there someway to wrap my fingers so it won’t mute other strings? It isn’t as noticeable when strumming but it is very noticeable when finger styling. Any hints or tips for those without long, slender fingers?


I would really love to take a course! 😊 you are right: There are many courses. But - they are all teaching pop songs and how to strum, how to strum and sing and so on. I‘ve chosen the ukule not to learn how to sing. I really like the sound of the instrument. As a child I played guitar. But because of the circumstances ( i chewed my nails and was very ashamed) I forgot everything since my parents allowed me to stop learning. And with ‚everything‘ I mean everything. How to read notes, how to create a lovely tone with the instrument. Last year (30 years after I stopped) I thought ‚what about a new start with ukule?“ it did not seem to authoritative to me. So I bought one and was so disappointed that there were only kind of pop tutorials to find. Until I‘ve found you. You played like I could have played the guitar if I only did not stop it as a child. Only if I would have practised since 30 years. But I didn‘t. So I really would like to learn to produce a beautiful tone and play simple songs where no one have to sing to. I would love to dive into your style.


And your tutorials are great! 😊 what I think what I need is some structured paths to go forward


I feel like each of your lessons is actually a mini course :) and you always come away with a cool new piece to learn and play so I would vote for more of the types of lessons you are already doing. The things I struggle with are smooth chord transitions while playing if the chords are tricky like E etc.., and also the alternating finger picking pattern when playing melodies seems to cause me trouble, I often end up hitting multiple strings. Any insight into how to come up with the cool chord progressions you do would be fun also. If you ever get a low G on your ukulele I would love to hear what you would put together with that :)


I love the theory component and would love to know more.


I love the tutorials in the current format. My playing has really improved and diversified following the tutorials. I vote for more of the same.


I'd like to see interesting fingerpicking techniques such as blues etc, more advanced than beginner level.


I like your course mainly because it is based on theory. Not just put this finger here and that finger there). Your lessons allow me to understand the structure of your music and it is the most interesting for me. I am too old just to move figers fast...


Like others have already said there are plenty of courses available, but Marco I feel you would offer something different. A focus on theory and how this applies to chord progressions and different chord voicings would be great.


I really enjoy each of your lessons. Some for the same reasons, some not. The level of difficulty happens to be ideal for me at this time. One thing I would like to see is a lesson or two on strumming patterns and strumming tips. Thanks!


I enjoy your lessons and I like the music you are playing. My playing has improved following your tutorials. I vote for more of the same. Keep doing the good work, Marco!


Since I am a violinist I like music written down and your videos go so fast I can’t follow along well. Will join on April 1st. Thanks.

Vivian Vaudreuil

I want desperately to sound more clean, to accentuate notes, to sound more professional. It takes a lot of work to develop a fine wine. I want my songs to tell a story.


I just picked up a ukulele, so although your stuff sounds awesome it is very much beyond my level of learning. I would appreciate a beginner course knowing that I will be progressing into such lovely music later.


The chord progressions you wrote are so amazing and I would love to learn that from you, and hopefully one day I could write a beautiful progression myself too.


I currently take online ukukele lessons from another website, however, I supplement my learning with your lessons. The fingerstyle music you teach is beautiful, classic and I love playing it. Your lessons are at a level that is doable for someone who has been strumming for a few months. I think you offer something other ukukele teachers are not teaching. I love the Spanish style music. Maybe you could offer a "Beyond Strumming" type of course for ukulele players who want to access more abilities of their uke. :)


I would love the same kind of lessons that you teach in your guitar videos. I watch them all the time and try to make them fit to ukulele. I just finished watching about adding color to your cords it was just gorgeous... You have a lot of good ideas in there and I would love to know all those things that you're thinking and how they could relate to ukulele. Thank you for what you do teach, it's very fulfilling.


Just repeating how much I would love a ukulele course! All that information that you have in your head from 20 years I want to know! Your guitar video on how chords work is so amazing. Is it the same for ukulele? We I thirsty for all of that knowledge. ❤️


create a uke course that will develop techniques, necessary music theory, etc. that focuses on the classical/ spanish/ flamenco genre. This would make the course very unique and marketable. Cover from beginner to more advanced.... develop chord progressions and culminate each section with a beautiful piece , maybe tweaked to the intermediate level...Ciao, John btw: This does not mean to stop what you are doing. The course would be an additional component for people like me who would buy it.


Keep them coming Marco. At last, tuition on playing chords up the neck. I’ve spent most of my time playing on the first four frets. Love the classical and Spanish too.


Love your Spanish chord progression & Lagrima


I love the pieces you have created! It would be great if you could make courses by level focusing on Spanish and flamenco music. I would love to learn more about theory and technique too