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Hello, high-tier kids. Thought some of you might be interested in hearing this. Basically, we're going to be doing this poo-inspired charity EP thing. We know it'll have Diarrhoea on it, so to speak - a new, shiny, extended, version - and probably Brownaround, newly mastered. And maybe an extended version of Nana Foom Did A Poo. 

I also wanted something completely new, so I started writing a song called The Brown Note. That was the starting point of this track - but it seems to have run away with itself. It's too long, probably not funny enough musically (apart from the brown note section - you'll know it when you hear it), and I kind of like it too much to put a load of poo lyrics over the top. Especially the Latin-influenced section.

I also used it as an experiment. I really want to get better at mastering and mixing. This is my first real attempt at really spending some time on that side of making music, and I'm pretty pleased with the result. 



I like this very much, including the brown bit.