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For shits and giggles - literally - I had a daft idea to release another charity single. Specifically, an EP called The Brown Album that'll feature all of the poo-based songs we've done, potentially remixed/rerecorded. 

Sooz has given us the okay to do this with Diarrhoea, so I started playing around with it today - as it was only ever really meant to be a throwaway thing - and have asked the lovely Chris JC about recording a guitar solo for it, which I can drop into an extended Hey Jude-esque outro to make it the most epic diarrhoea-based song ever!

Anyway, thought you'd like to be kept up to date, so here's the current state of the remix.

Let's get this to Number 2!



If you don't have a track that is just 3 min of the fabled "brown note" I'd consider that an opportunity missed.


It’s all been leading down to this.