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Hello, lovely peeps. Just to warn you... despite the best-laid plans, I'm not sure there'll be a Digi video this week. I've had deadlines, which built-up because I'm massively late delivering the work - all due to dad-in-hospital-related shenanigans over the past few weeks.

We may get to film tomorrow, but there's also a chance he'll be coming out of hospital then, in which case I'll have to be on standby to pick him up. And we're also on elderly mother duties tomorrow afternoon. And then on Friday my daughter is coming home for the weekend, so I'm probably not going to be able to edit until Monday at the earliest. And the dog ate my homework etc.

Anyhow, while I know it might not appeal to you all... there was a new podcast this week, so you could always give that a whirl to tide you over. I mean, I LOVE IT!


We'll be back asap with a new exclusive video, and the long-awaited Slush Puppie Vs Mr Frosty. And then - zut alors! - some new looking-at-old-tat stuff with Mr Gannon! 




Only listened to ep 1 of BYAM so far but it's exactly the lovely informative chaos I was expecting. Glad to see you managed to make it to that 2007 show, I idiotically missed it somehow. My knowledge of the H era is much less than the Fish one (I spent most of uni listening to the 97 remasters, admittedly alongside radiation and marillion.com) but much less before or since so I'm going to spoitfy and racket records the lot as you do.


Good man! Well done for choosing Radiation and .Com as your H-era choices - two of the weakest albums they've ever made!!! Afraid of Sunlight, Brave, Marbles and F.E.A.R. would be might go-to picks.


Paul, you really do not need to explain yourself when it comes to family stuff - family always comes first and I am glad to hear your Dad is coming out of hospital. You take as long as you need to get yourself in the right state of mind as there is nothing worse than feeling powerless when it comes to poorly parents as no matter how old you are, your mindsel reverts you to a small child.....well at least it does in my case whenever something happens to my parents. All the best :)


Thanks, T-dog. It's more just a lack of time this week, rather than concern for them or my state of mind! But again, thank you.