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I'm a bit taken aback by how many of you are either closet Marillion fans, or will be giving the podcast a go. I really thought only a small handful of you would be interested! 

So, in that case... here's the first episode - don't spread it around just yet, as I won't be making a big hoo-haw until next week when it goes up on Apple.

Hope you like it! Oh, and because a few people have asked... I'm putting together a couple of Spotify playlists as a sampler. A couple, because - frankly - the Fish and Steve Hogarth eras are SO different from one another...

For this episode, you only really need to listen to one song - Market Square Heroes.




I actually live 5 minutes walk from the market square in question. I'll amble up there to listen to it maybe.

Benedict Miller

As someone who knows just one song of Marillion, I'm eager to lern more about them!


Added to podcast list :)


We just love you


Good that you mentioned the odd crossover of Marillion fans with the late 80's metal scene. I was a teenage metalhead and very much remember Marillion t shirts at the same odd stores that sold the King Diamond and Helloween shirts that I went looking for. Still seems a big jump from Maiden to Marillion though. Although, I'd imagine their albums are far better than that terrible Bruce Dickinson solo album "Tattooed Millionaire" Also interesting to me as I grew up with parents who were way into Genesis but only the post Gabriel stuff. Where I grew up and preferred the Gabriel stuff myself. Although any child brought up on too much Phil Collins is bound to rebel. Good stuff and looking forward to more. Made me think if there was any artist I could do whole podcasts dedicated to a single song. Pretty much no....well that's not true, I could do a podcast on every Tom Waits song pretty easy but that's about it.


Great first episode! Really enjoyed it and def looking forward to the next one. :)


Is it just me but is it a bit quiet in the left audio channel?


As a music hoarder, I've been looking for a good reason to go through some of the back catalogues I've neglected (and there's a big prog archive I've left mainly untouched), and Marillion were on that list. Loved the podcast, and I'll be going back through the albums as they come up. I know it's early days, but any plans to touch on music by related artists ie. Fish solo, or bands with ties to Marillion?


I've just started listening to this and while I'm no big fan of Marillion, the two of you do make for really interesting listening :) One issue I have though is the volume is low, and as I listen while out walking or cycling, and using bone conducting headphones so I can still hear what's going on around me, it's often drowned out by the background noise. Is it possible to normalise the audio before upload or have you already considered/tried this?


Noted. We'll try and boost the volume a bit in eps going forwards. I was trying not to deafen people. It's tricky, because it sounds fine on my headphones when I'm editing/listening back.


Maybe. I seem to struggle when it comes to balancing sound. But I'll see what I can do.