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Y'know that podcast we've been threatening for a while? Well, we're finally doing it. We being Sanja and I. 

Unfortunately... most of you won't be remotely interested in it. That's not even an exaggeration. You really won't. This is something we will be doing completely for fun, in the most self-indulgent way imaginable. 

Given that I do a lot of other things, I wanted a podcast that I knew I was going to stick at. I've been batting around lots of ideas in recent months, but none of them really got me excited enough that I knew I'd be able to keep going, week after week. I knew it had to be on a topic that I'd be able to talk about at length, and not get bored. 

I considered a Star Wars one, but there's too much competition for that. We even thought about some sort of mental health/self-help type thing, but I worried about that too. A generic geek podcast didn't really float my boat - again, because of the competition. And also, I wanted to do something that might appeal to a completely different audience, because I know there's a lot already competing for your time and attention.

And then I had The Idea, and I couldn't shake it. Brace yourselves, because most of you are going to hate it: I'm doing a Marillion podcast. Working title: This Strange Podcast. At least until I can come up with a better pun (open to suggestions, if any of you are familiar with the band).

Anyway, yeah, I know. Sorry. You can kind of blame Sooz Kempner for giving me the idea, after she started co-hosting a podcast about her beloved Queen (the band, not the monarch).

To be honest, this is as much an attempt to just dip my toes in the podcasting waters, and do something entirely selfish, as anything. It'll have all the same sort of chemistry as you'd normally get from a video with Sanja and I, the same sorts of tangents and stories, because we can't change who we are, but... the baseline will be Marillion. So you may enjoy it if you can overcome an aversion to Marillion. I dunno.

Our plan is to cover each Marillion album in depth, and in order, from the point of view of me as a massive fan, and Sanja as a relative newcomer. She's perfect, because she hadn't even heard of Marillion until she met me, and has grown to love them. So, it'll be a finite run of about 20 episodes... after which we will maybe do something different that might be more up your street.

We've yet to record the first couple of eps, but I suspect we'll get them done this week, and then start rolling them out weekly. If it goes okay, I might set up a separate Patreon for it, as almost by design I'm not for a second expecting there to be a big crossover between my Biffo audience and this (barring a couple of you: hello, Shoggzy...!).

So, that's today's news. More to follow.




Doing it for fun and your own entertainment is the best thing. I listen to podcasts more to do with the people who are making them as opposed to the content. Good luck


Hi, I'm the person other than Shoggzy containing within "barring a couple of you". I'm in.

Phil Robinson

I'd likely listen anyway because it's you two, and I enjoy listening to good people talk about things they are passionate about, even though I know little about Marillion. Who knows, I might even end up a fan myself! (Don't hold me to that though!)


This sounds like a great idea. I'm sure you know this already, but the podcast format, which thrives on freeform discussion rather than heavy structure and scripting, works best with material that the hosts are genuinely enthusiastic and passionate about. Plus I'm sure the pair of you will bring your own unique character to the whole thing. Been curious about Marillion for a while since you've been enthusing about it in various places but have never got around to checking them out for myself. This might be a good excuse for a listen-along! :)


Often with podcasts I find the passion and dynamics of the hosts is much more important than the actual subject matter. I'd definitely listen, even though my knowledge of Marillion is pretty much zero.




As someone who loves prog rock but never given Marillion a proper go, it'll be interesting to me. Will it be better to listen to the album then the podcast or the other way round? :)


Nice! I hope you do Radiohead next. teehee *runs away*


What's a Marillion?


Looking forward to it!


Well, you can join me in listening to the album first, and then see if you agree with our thoughts and responses to it... but I think either way would work.


All I knew about Marillion was, from Viz comic years ago. They had a photo of a naked Fish (from Marillion), with his hands over his bits, and captioned it with the headline "Top of the Pop Jock Cock and Plums!"


Why does Sooz hate our monarch? I bet she doesn't even wear a poppy!


Excellent choice of subject matter, look forward to it!


My body is ready <3


Sounds great to me! :D


This is excellent. I personally don't like Marillion but I love music podcasts, especially where the hosts talk about what they love with such passion. Can't wait!


As an American, can I just point out the hilarious 'Apples to Oranges' in this post that comes from "Sooz is doing a podcast about QUEEN so I decided to do a podcast about that band that did "'Kayleigh'." Will check it out when you share it since you and Sanja are awesome. Should be an interesting listen!


I'll be a-listening. Will you be playing any clips from Marillion tracks, for us newbies, so we can understand what you're talking about more in context?


I'll definitely be listening! Huge huge fan of Marillion so it'll def be interesting to hear you talk about them, but also to hear Sanjas thought from album to album! Are you going to be sticking purely to just what is on the albums or will you be dipping into the B Sides and EP stuff (Market Square Heroes, Grendal, Tux On, Etc)


Woot! We're doing all the major releases, so we're starting with the Market Square Heroes single, which - as you'll know - is as long as an album almost as it is. We'll then go album by album, and nod to any b-sides along the way. I also want to cover the key live albums, mainly Reel to Real and Thieving Magpie. Or I might keep live albums to a single ep.


Sadly, I'm not allowed to do that, but I'll let you know what you should be listening to at the top of every ep.


A podcast on a band I like by people I like. The stars have aligned.


Welp. I know nothing about Marillion, so I guess I'm in for some learning. Always like finding out about new music, so I'm in.


I can only talk for myself but i will gladly enjoy listening to you two talking about Marillion. I have to admit i mostly know about the Fish era ("Clutching At Straws" is a masterpiece, in my opinion). I also like "Marbles" but i can't pretend i know very much about it. Since i believe you are more of a H-guy, i'm looking forward to being educated about all that. Good news.


Heck, the Fish era was the soundtrack to my teenage years. I love those songs. But... I also love H era.