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Happy Monday, y'all.

Fingers crossed, you should get a new exclusive, Patron-only, video at some point today. We're also filming a couple of other videos, which you should get early access to. And then tomorrow night we'll be doing another Big Fat Geek Quiz live stream, as the previous one seemed to go down well. 

I also resurrected Memory Assistant over the weekend, so expect more from that font of nonsense going forwards.

To be honest, without Digitiser Live on the immediate horizon, I'm kind of fishing for my next big Biffo project at the moment. I'm enjoying the Digi Minis as the kind of bedrock of the channel, and liking the extra research that's going into the latest ones, but I want something I can sink my teeth into. Y'know; a project where I get to collaborate with interesting folk. 

I'm not going the crowdfunding route - barring what you very kindly help me with on here - because now feels like the wrong time, plus the whole Digitiser The Show DVDs thing is dragging on endlessly, and if I ever have to fulfil physical rewards again I will literally jump off a bridge. We've got posters, t-shirts and art cards here ready to go... but this damn year has just been... I dunno. It's debilitating, right? I feel a bit sort of... drifty. 

At the same time, whatever I decide to do needs to be affordable somehow, because money is tight at the minute. We've had a bunch of unexpected and unpleasantly large bills in the past month or so, and with my income essentially being cut in half this year and assorted grown-up children being out of work due to the pandemic, I've been shouldering more of a financial burden than I normally would be. So, thank you for continuing to support me - it makes a big, big difference, and lets me carry on doing stuff without panicking as much as I otherwise would be. 

Anyhow... That's it. Quick update for you. Keep 'em peeled for a couple of new videos in the very, very near future...



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