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Okay. Weeeeell... I hope this is the last time I'll feel a need to write about any of this.

It has been a long old road, but I've decided to stop trying to swim upstream with Biffovision/Digitiser. I'm fighting a losing battle. You can only keep boarding up the windows for so long before your arms get tired, and you let the rabble burst in and overwhelm you. You can only use metaphors and analogies for so long before it becomes trite.

Fact is... I've really, really loved the videos I've done with Sanja over Lockdown. Like, really loved them. Neither of us want to stop doing them. If anything, I want to do more videos with her of different sorts; they're the kind of videos we tend to watch on YouTube. Just that little bit cosier and more sincere.

But... it's pretty clear that the audience we've built up on the YouTube channel don't want that. 

The second any video goes up which isn't one featuring one of the Barshens alum - be it Lost Footage, or videos with Sanja and I in them together - we get multiple dislikes, before people could've even watched a second of them. They're simply reacting to it not being a video with the people they want to see. 

It's extremely telling that yesterday's video with Gannon has already done 70% better than any of the videos we've done since Lockdown began, and had just 1 dislike since it went up, which only arrived hours afterwards. When it's Sanja and I, we'll get at least half a dozen dislikes within seconds. Seconds!!!

And based upon yesterday's video, we now know for certain who - and why - we were getting those dislikes.

And on top of that, we shed subscribers. Not just a few - but scores of them. Every time a video goes live.. Even the most generous assessment would suggest the channel is in terminal decline if we stick with the current trajectory.

Yes, there's a school of wisdom that says don't pay attention to likes, dislikes, views, subscribers, comments... which I get. But if I'm ever to do another big, creatively challenging, project again, like Digitiser The Show, or Found Footage, Digitiser Live, or whatever... we need an audience to be there for it. I have to keep an eye on it, and I like interacting with the commenters. 

Until Covid hit, I had been running the channel more like a business for that reason... and then we switched to more personal stuff out of necessity, and it was like howling into a void when aimed at an audience that mainly just wants to see grown men and women dicking about. Albeit a void that was lobbing bricks at my wife and I. 

We'd already suffered the hit of the retro gaming crowd buggering off when I stopped covering gaming stuff.  Since the start of the year, it has been the Barshens/Cheapshow crowd.

It has been, as you know, deeply frustrating. I can't pretend that I'm not upset that Digitiser has been hijacked by Cheapshow and Barshens fans - and I can't pretend I'm not resentful towards a certain rabid section of that audience for the way they've behaved - but I have to accept that it's my fault for trying to build the channel largely on the backs of their fanbase. 

I had hoped that it'd work like a Trojan horse, and they might stick around for me when the others weren't there, but that sadly isn't the case. My on-camera presence just isn't a draw to them.

Gannon, because he is a good man, feels shit about it, but it isn't exactly his fault for being popular! Plus, at least this way I can in the future carry on collaborating with mates like Eli, Ashens, et al, because I enjoy it, without feeling my own internal resistance. 

But yeah... whatever it is that I offer, or want to do, isn't what the current audience wants to see. Digitiser - the brand - doesn't mean anything to the vast majority on there outside of the past couple of years. And on top of that, it's kind of upsetting to see people reacting to my wonderful and brilliant wife in such a negative way. She deserves better than that. 

So, I can no longer push against the perception of the subscribers we do have that my YouTube channel is essentially an extension of Digitiser The Show.

So, sod it... Biffovision - I'm now even toying with changing it back to Digitiser - will carry on as planned, in the sense that I'll still treat it like a kind of online TV channel, with short runs of different shows, and the Digi Mini-style episodes as the bedrock. And yeah, if and whenever I do another series like Lost/Found Footage that'll still be on there (as unpopular as it is with current subscribers). And it'll have Gannon et al on there, as before. 

But... stuff like storytime will no longer appear. Sanja's appearances will be limited, because I don't want her reaching a point where she feels bad because she hasn't had the decades of experience doing comedy as a Paul and Eli or Sooz.


However, we're not going to stop filming our storytime vids. Sanja and I have toyed for ages with doing a podcast, but for now, instead, we have decided to launch a second YouTube channel. Actually, it'll likely be the Mr Biffo Number Two channel, but with a new name, rather than set up a whole new one, and it'll be just the two of us.  

We love filming together, but as a couple, want to try to find our own audience, and free ourselves from the Barshens/Cheapshow/Digitiser The Show baggage. We know it's not going to be as popular initially, but frankly... this wouldn't be done for the views. It'd be for us, and whoever wanted to watch us. If that's 15 people... so be it. If we find new viewers with none of that association with the past... then that'd be lovely. If some of you choose to watch the new channel... even better. 

When we're able, we want to take cameras out with us, and do more vlog-y type stuff, and we want to have the freedom to just be ourselves, and not feel the need to perform. There'll be a clear separation between what I do with Sanja, and what I do on the main channel... which will go back at some point to having that madcap, Tiswas-y, vibe. For now, we'll have to stick with finding ways to make it work via Zoom. 

Anyway. Yes. That's where we're at. How it'll work in terms of scheduling for both channels I don't know, but the videos with Sanja and I tend to have fewer bells and whistles as far as editing goes, and so take far less time to do. I'll probably continue in that vein with them. No idea when this'll happen, but we do have Part 1 of the Chernobyl diaries recorded, so that might be the first video on there. And it could be as soon as next week.

What we don't have yet, though, is a name for it. I'm going to be Paul on there, and not Biffo - so all suggestions welcome!



Richard Shaw-Wright

I will never understand why anyone would dislike a video because someone they like isn't in it, and the topic doesn't interest them, it's a strange world. Channel name: NOT DIGITISER


This is a shame, but I get it. I agreed with the stance you took and thought it was totally the right thing for you and your channel. Dislikes on YouTube essentially mean fuck all and it will be the same pricks each time. But I can see it must be disheartening. For what it’s worth I now look forward to your diary style videos with Sanja more than anything else.


I love the Biffovision name. It's a shame but you've got to remember there are people who will downvote videos for fun. They're immature little bastards. But I'll admit the losing subscribers thing is more of an issue.


You do you, Paul. I'll still be here, quietly enjoying from the sides, occasionally cheerleading or otherwise interacting where I can (I tend to see everything about 2-3 weeks behind, constantly on catch-up in bursts). I have really enjoyed the videos you've made with Sanja and I'm glad you're going to continue with them.


What a bloody shame. Just unsubscribe and piss off if you don't like something, vote with your feet rather than just constantly barraging the channel with negativity. That's so frustrating to read and I'm really sorry to see it. I love seeing you and Sanja chatting and bouncing off each other, a specific channel would be awesome, it's just a shame it's come to this. Why are people are so petty about change? Fucking hell. Channel name: Stories from the Sofa (There's no way people can complain about the content then!)


Sorry to hear it's been a struggle -- it's clear that you and Sanja have both enjoyed the videos you've done together, so it's a real shame some people feel the need to be kinda dickish about it. Certain parts of the YouTube audience feel a sense of entitlement over creators that they follow, and the moment that creator starts doing something of their own volition rather than because of what "the audience" demands, they start getting pissy and doing the stupid "dislike within the first minute of it going live" bullshit. I'm glad you don't blame Gannon, Eli et al though -- I'm certain they don't want their fans behaving this way either! It's a pity that it's so obvious where the trouble is coming from.


I don't understand why people appear not to be a fan of Sanja. She's lovely and a perfect fit for your humour which is why I'm here. However I do understand that you want the channel to grow. I found your channel via the retro community rather than Cheapshow (which incidentally I found off the back of Digi). If you want a second channel with Sanja then you can bet a tin of beans that I will be there. 🙂 In short, I subscribe because I enjoy watching the insanity and laughs that Paul Rose provides. Take care. 💜


That's all really dissapointing to read Paul, I'm sorry for the reaction you're all getting from some quarters. If a second channel for yourself and Sanja is the way to go, I'll happily subscribe.

Matthew Scott

I still can’t understand the dislikers; not for them disliking the content (that’s their own preference), but for spitefully hanging around just to hit dislike. No one is forcing you at gunpoint; just skip the videos you’re not interested in. I don’t think I’ve ever hit dislike on YT, I just stop watching. For me, the dislike button would be for offensive content or something that genuinely upset me, not as a spiteful, childish act to (as we used to say at primary school) “give me the chufties”. But more than the dislikers, I will NEVER understand anyone throwing shade at Sanja. For fucks sake. I only briefly met her once, and shared a few emails but I can see what a genuinely lovely person she is (she must be to put up with you 😉) and you can bet your last quid that these twats have never had anything to do with her and just want to be shitty and get a rise, just to make themselves feel like the big man. There are lines you just don’t cross if you’re a good person. I admit I have a huge channel backlog of stuff to watch at the moment; I’m just short of time and in a slightly low place that I’ve not sat down to watch, but I will go back through the recent vids and have a damn enjoyable binge; and I look forward to the alternative channel output too. You and Sanja together on camera have a sparkle and a magic element that’s just so lovely to see. Ok, that was a bit long! TL:DR You two are lovely, your vids are great, they’re all twats! Take care you lovely big bear 👍


Is it not better to just ride things out for a bit and just let those who don't like it decide to move on? You only just recently rebranded, surely it's going to take some for the "new" channel to find its voice and its audience. Either way, I'll subscribe to a second channel if that's the route you decide to go.


Not that I dislike the other stuff, but I 100% have preferred the stuff with just you two since lockdown started. It's a shame the internets is such a petty place that people don't just ignore things they don't like, instead feeling the need to vent or be passive aggressive about it, but if it means more of you two, them I'm all for whatever makes you happy. And you should name the other channel Super Exclusive Smart People's Channel for Non-Idiots. Or not.


Yeah, this is just terrible all round. I know you don't have to enjoy something, but why go out of your way to dislike it? I don't get that kind of mentality at all, and surely people understand that this whole situation meant that it was going to be hard to make content, so the story times with you and Sanja were a good stop gap in the least?


So glad you will continue doing videos with Sanja in some form as they are fun to watch. It`s the sad state of the internet where people feel their anonymity can mean they can act like spoiled brats.


I pressed enter by accident... Anyway, as much as I like Mr. Gannon, I listen to Cheapshow for him, I'm not gagging to see him everywhere. I'm not complaining either but do people want him reading the news and playing Phil in EastEnders as well? I'm not pretending that wouldn't be amusing, but still. I don't watch you for him is what I'm getting at!


I disliked the videos because Sanja doesn't look like Jim Bowen, it doesn't fit in with my vision that the channel should recreate Bullseye as accurately as possible. Ok that's a joke! But its kind of the same attitude that want the channel to be a faithful recreation of Digitiser of yore, its gone, in the past and there is a billion other YouTubers out there doing the retro computer stuff but these people feel entitled to try and ruin what you are doing because it doesn't fit with what they want, boo fucking hoo! I will subscribe to the 2nd channel because I like the conversational aspect of you on the sofa with Sanja, this doesn't mean I want to see less of Gannon or Eli or any of the 'traditional' Digi content, I just like other stuff as well.


Woah man, a rollercoaster of emotions reading that. Sorry you've been having trouble. Big love to you and S, and I look forward to the new channel. Stay well.


So what you're saying is... go and do a big 'dislike' on Gannon? No problem, I'll go and give him three thumbs down right now. I can't stand him with his 'hair' and 'teeth' and 'socks'. Sorry to hear the news but Sanja & you are great; I hope the new channel shakes off the petty-minded ne-er do wells.


Saw it with the cheapshow live. People filling the comments with abuse if the contributions were not in the vein of Barshens/cheapshow humour. It will always be easier to criticise Vs. create. To tear down Rome rather than build it. A shame but not a shock. I suppose it's a maturity issue, I'm older and hence prefer the relatable content of a virtual friendly couple popping over for dinner chat and board games, especially so during lockdown. But equally love Gannon and Eli arsing about with your good self. A man can be more than one character. I'm guessing the younger edge lord crowd just want a series of dick jokes. Meh. A second channel would be good for your sanity.


The internet really is shit, isn’t it. Do whatever you need to, Paul, you know we’ve got your back.


To be fair, we're not the audience you're going to lose no matter what you do. You need to do what you need to do with regards your channel and if that involves a bit of a backtrack, so be it. The second channel is a very good idea, in my opinion, because it'll let you build on you, now, not what has gone before and not based on other (albeit also awesome) people. I'll be amongst the first to subscribe to a new channel.


I like Stories from the Sofa! Though hopefully we won't always be doing them from the sofa...


I don't think it's people that aren't a fan.. more that they're reacting to any video that doesn't have one of their favourites in. Which includes Lost Footage.


To be honest, Sanja gets nothing but positive comments, apart from this one utter dick who keeps spamming us from multiple accounts. I know it's the same guy doing it, because they all appear within a minute of one another.


Well... I get you saying that, but frankly we've been riding this out for months now. Sanja has been suggesting to me for a while that we just set up a second channel for the not Gannon stuff, but I've been resisting. It just took the push of the latest video to stop me hanging onto what I think of Digitiser as.

Benedict Miller

My suggestion is still calling it "meet the Biffos" And please be aware that there are people who may did thus island jumping from Ashens over Barshens to Digitiser. And stayed because you are really a fascinating and cool chap. So after all, what you should take away from this is: basically everyone needs to constantly make collabs with Ashens. (I'm still laughing about that animated Ashens homunculus in one of the Digi Minis). But seriously, you are great, Sanja is great, your content is fantastic and there are many people appreciating it.


Thanks, Dan. Yeah, I enjoy the ones with Sanja and I, partly because I'm more relaxed doing them, and partly because they feel like they have a bit more substance to them. I don't want to give up on the messing-about-with-mates feel of the others, but if I'm honest... the ones with Sanja and I are much more the real me...


Hah! No, don't go and dislike Gannon. He's a lovely man, who is nothin but supportive.


Thanks, Dave. Yeah, for us... that feeling of us just being a friendly couple is what we want them to feel like. As I say, those are the kind of videos we generally watch - other couples we can imagine being mates with, and like hanging out with for a while! Plus, I'm not getting any younger, so arsing around can sometimes feel a bit undignified for a gentleman of my advanced years...!


Thank you. I did suggest The Biffos, but I think we both want a bit of separation from everything Biffo with it. I mean, it'll still be me... but I probably won't be dressing up as Beanus on the new channel, whereas on the existing one I can at least do that freely!


Ah, it's fine. I probably should've done this in the first place, rather than bother rebranding!


Side channel name suggestion "The Rose Buds"


I've really enjoyed the videos you and Sanja have made, so I am glad you are going to continue to make them!

Tyronne Mann

Possible titles....hmmmmm. Watch out, Roses about. Bunch of Roses. View from the Roses. And then she said. or Manorak.


I've enjoyed everything the channel does, because I like variety, so if people want their content to stick strictly to lanes and get pissy if there is any deviation from that, then it's the old 'I wouldn't want to be part of any club that would have me as a member' thing. Let them eff off and bother somebody else, there'll still be plenty of us who will watch whatever you post, wherever you post it.


I'd happily sub to the new channel, I love the Biffo story time stuff.


God that Gannon with his face and hands. Getting all up in our grills.... We love storytime all hail King Shape!


I haven't been watching as much because I don't have the time to watch 35-65 minute videos and I prefer the older (and shorter) style of content. This has nothing to do with Gannon/Cheap Show etc (and I would never dislike a video). Just pointing this out because I'm sure other subscribers feel this way.


I appreciate that people have a lot competing for their attention, and the received wisdom is "Make shorter videos for more views", but this isn't about that. This is specifically about an issue with the type of content we're doing, and more specifically about content that hasn't had certain people in it. I mean, the latest Gannon video is 45 minutes long, yet is doing far, far better than almost anything on the channel since he last appeared (the embarrassing schoolbooks vid is 31 minutes). You only have to look at the comments on all our videos to know the audience we've gained are majorly Cheapshow fans, as even when they're not appearing it's all "Eli! Eli! Gannon! Gannon! Eli! Winkie! Jimmy Biscuits! Gannon! Eli!". So, yeah... the main channel will be going back to shorter videos, but I'm not going to compromise the sorts of content we do on the new channel just to chase views. I love going more in-depth with the storytime vids, splitting stories up into smaller parts doesn't work due to the drop-off in views over time (the third part of the Monster Hunting series hasn't done nearly as well as the previous two) and if that holds us back... so be it. I just want to make stuff for people that enjoy the stuff we're making regardless of what it is, who's in it, how long it is. I don't want to make content that we don't necessarily enjoy just for sake of views. Videos will continue to be as long as they need to be. The important thing here for me is that the people making the videos enjoy making them.


I won't all be that...! I mean, we'll actually probably kick it off with a taste test. But we still have many stories to tell!

(Just) Steve

I know this post wasn't created to seek affirmation and plaudits, as that's not something you'd do, but let me tickle your balls for a second (not literally). I've been a fan of Digitiser since about '94. It was initially a bit irksome to me that the channel strayed away from retro game stuff, even though it wasn't created for that to begin with. I know that lots of people cover the retro game genre, but only you can do it in your inimitable style. I stuck around because of you. The more I watched the more I saw of the man, Paul Rose, no matter who you were with on screen. It's firmly embedded in my brain that you're "Mr Biffo" and I have no doubt I would stupidly call you that on the off-chance I ever actually met you in public, but it's nice to have seen a different side to the man behind the legend, so to speak. I'll be around for the long haul no matter what you do whether it be retro games, arsing around with Gannon, wonderfully weird lost/found footage (which i'll admit I don't always "get"), eating random stuff/story time with Sanja (whatever I say will likely sound creepy so i'll just say she's great!) or anything else you do. I'm probably one of the few who had never heard of Cheapshow/Gannon/Eli or Ashens/Barshens until you introduced me to them through your channel. Any way, this has ended up longer than expected so i'll leave you with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMCJC-axBfY


Ah man. Cheers, Steve. That all means a lot. And if you ever meet me... by all means call me Biffo. Plenty of people do!


Hey, we all love Sanja(not in a creepy way) and will love watching those types of videos over on a new channel. I remember being a bit pissy when I found the Star Wars video on the second channel because I wondered why you hadn't shared it more broadly since it was great. Can understand that you want to maybe get back to a more solid channel as things get back towards the new normal. But hopefully you still keep being the force behind it that changes stuff. I didn't care for Barshens and I need to be in the right mood for Cheapshow, but when you're the push behind the ideas I definitely enjoy it a lot. Hence why I'm here. So keep that up and things should get back to more solid ground, I'm sure. Also, BEANUS = VIEWS!! MORE BEANUS!!! #ShowMeTheBeanus Thank you.

The Parallel Viewmaster

I'm one of the people who hasn't been watching lately, but that's due to my schedule being messed up from the pandemic, and not having much time for youtube since March. As someone who was introduced to your channel through Ashens, I've been enjoying the incredible variety on it, and have been enjoying the videos I've seen with Sanja. I'm glad to hear she'll still be a part of your work going forwards, and am anticipating clearing my video backlog and watching your new channel eventually, when my life approaches something sane again.


Been really enjoying the “on the couch” videos, you and Sanja have been a real bright spot in these dark days. So you’ll definitely a a subscriber here for whatever you call the new channel.


I've really enjoyed the recent videos. Possibly more than the old stuff.. I still like watching most of the zany stuff but I think there's a place for both.


I'll still be the force behind it, worry not. I think Biffovision - which I'm going to keep as the name, upon reflection - will be where I do more out-there creative stuff.


Me too! Just wish more of the current subscriber base felt the same way...!


I like Mr Biffo, but I like Paul Rose even more. And Sanja is just so lovely 💖 I'm personally jazzed about this - jazzed I tell you!

Chinny Hill

People don't like change and it takes any audience time to come around and to bring new people in. Look at any TV show that gets revamped. For the better or for the worse. Whatever result the hardcore will be complaining (a bloody woman as Doctor Who! etc). Youtube is worse. People want the same thing every bloody week. Deviate and its wailing and gnashing of teeth. You do have a case for a second channel. Loyal people will follow and other people won't. You can do your different thing without interfering with the old thing. Which obviously must remain pure for the nerds. You also have discovered the unfortunate thing about 'collabs'. You get that sweet sweet audience but only when you pander to them. You end up trapped in a double act and beholden to the other channels people. So yes, second channel probably a good idea. But don't be beholden to the anoraks.


I think that the second channel is a brilliant idea, Sonja and yourself don't deserve so much hate and negativity, you're both wonderful. The truth being I did come off the back of Barshens but that was because I saw them interview you and found you very interesting and genuine. Throughout lockdown your videos with Sonja have helped to keep me going because they're warm and genuine as well as engaging and I love the relationship that you have, so I definitely want to see more videos.


In all honesty, this is more to give me some breathing space. We described it last night as having invited some people to come and stay... and then they never leave, and start treating it as if it's their place. In the end, we have no choice but to move out to a smaller place. Yes, it's smaller... but it's just SO nice to have our own place again. The old place is still the party house, and we technically own it, and it's fun to visit for a time, but I wouldn't want to live there full time. If that makes sense?


Oh, it's great that you came from Barshens and stuck around! That's what we were hoping would happen, so it makes me feel very blessed to have you. And I really appreciate that you say the vids we were doing were warm and genuine. In the current climate, it's the kind of content I want to make. It was just getting difficult to do that without a chorus of complaints!


Sorry you had to do that, but as you've explained it I know why! Be sure to let us know when you start your second channel so we can subscribe!


"Biffo-San"- it's a mashup of your names and it sounds Japanese and everyone knows that Japanese stuff is 100% cooler! I must admit, my heart sank when I read there would be no more Story Time With Biffo, because I have really enjoyed those videos and I've just this minute posted a comment to that effect on the second Star Wars one (work has been busy so I haven't caught up until today, sorry). But I'm very happy that they will continue, even if it's on another channel. The two of you tell great stories.


It’s such a shame to see people attack a channel that puts real effort/love into making something fun, yet they’ll defend to the death the likes of Pewdiepie and other wankers. The Biffos of YouTube deserve better.

Stephen Campbell

For what it is worth biffo myself and my partner have really enjoyed yours and sanjas videos it is just sad some people seem to get upset when it isn't barshen 3.0. while I too miss barshens this is not that and really it is about you and the silliness that comes out and when you are with sanja you seem genuinely happy as you two clearly are a very good match and that chemistry comes across on camera so well

The Gaming Muso

Personally mate, I’ve been loving the videos that you’ve been doing with Sanja, and I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this rubbish. It seems very stupid that people want to bugger off tbh!