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Getting ahead with editing, so here's another advanced look at a video. 

Might actually put this out before yesterday's one, as it has all of us in it, and it's lots of fun. It's the first part of the Q&A that I asked you questions for a while back (be warned: we didn't get around to answering all of them, as we waffled on so much, and it went on forever...).




"I don't particularly like custard creams". Thin ice, Mr B... you obviously need that holiday :)


Hilarious as always! With this content, you're really spoiling us!


The holy hand grenade prop was made out of a ballcock - only ballcock related fact I know,


Lol thank you for answering my questions!:) just wanted to confirm that my second question wasn't being sarcastic. Just a stupid quote from the Simpsons and from what I've seen as a fan since the digi show it does honestly seem as the show has come on leaps and bounds hence the reference to the runaway freight train. :) easily the best channel on yt at the moment. p.s it IS actually 2 rs (warren) lol didn't notice the miss spelling till you pointed it out. Thanks once again!:)


Nah, I don't think you were being sarcastic! That's just me being dry and self-depreciating! I agree that the fanbase has galvanised like never before since we were doing the minis. It's growing steadily, but still need to break through in terms of subscribers though!