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Hello gang. So, apologies again for the lack of written Digi content of late. Hope you understand, but I'm knackered. 

Apart from doing the Digi Minis, and Digi Live - which was far, far more work than its chaotic nature might lead you to believe - I've not really had a break since editing together Digitiser The Show since last year. 

On top of that... I've still been doing my day job. In fact, already I've written 11 episodes of kids TV this year, with another two still left to write. And that's on top of being lead writer, which has meant giving notes to other writers, on another gawd knows how many eps.

All of that would've been far more pleasant had I been paid fully for it, but due to the sort of wonky nature of independent kids' TV funding (long story)... that has yet to happen. Otherwise I'd just take a break now, if I could afford to.

In fact, I was asked if I would want to do a panel at Play Expo Blackpool, and though I agreed prior to the live show... I've since gone back on it. I can't bring myself to commit to anything else at the minute, even if it is months away.

But anyway... written articles will return to the site. I just need to conserve my mental and creative resources for a bit. Part of the reason I set up the new Redbubble store (go there now if you haven't already: https://www.redbubble.com/people/digitiser?asc=u) was because I seem to have the resources to do design stuff, but when it comes to written work... at the moment I'm spent. I've tried, and it just ain't happening.

Fortunately, editing videos still seems to be a pleasure, and doesn't take it out of me, so until normal service is resumed on Digitiser2000, you'll continue to get vids - at least two a week for the foreseeable, with some extra stuff cropping up on the second channel too.

Since the live show, Sanya and I have been batting around ideas for Series 2 of Digitiser The Show (though it probably won't be called that). 

One of the obstacles (if you can call it that) is that the Minis are really popular (with those who watch them anyway; we still don't get big numbers). We want to keep them going, but need to offer something that isn't just a version of the Minis, but with better production values. It needs a certain scale, and needs to be something we can't just cover in the regular weekly eps.

We've learned a lot since we did Digitiser The Show, so want to build on the atmosphere of the live show, as well the laid-back nature of the Minis. 

With all that in mind, we have an idea that's pretty ambitious, but before we can launch a Kickstarter we need to a) Do a holiday, b) Fulfil Kickstarter rewards, c) Do some work on the house (in short, we need to figure out storage solutions for all the crap and gear we've accumulated since doing FF, DTS and DL), and d) Work out financially and logistically what's required. 

In short; how can we capitalise everything we know that works best about Digitiser, and everything we've learned, in a way that's new and exciting, and will make people want to back it? We now think we know. 

Within all this, we're keen to give the Minis a bit more of an injection of oomph; just bring the scope up a bit, slightly more in line with Digitiser The Show (while not losing what's good about them). 

We've also discussed potential notions for future live events. Anything like that will be a way off though, but I know we'd all like to do more. We know we've set a high bar, and topping it won't be easy. 

But anyway, in the meantime... here's Wednesday's video for you.




The recent content has been great. No need to worry about personal commitments. We've all been there.


The time and effort you put into Digitiser is very much appreciated - this looks like a exciting step forward!


holiday ....DO IT .xxx


If Mr Gannon spent less time kidnapping Princess Zelda he'd have more time to help you. Just saying. But on a serious note, you produce great stuff. Remember that it's for fun, do it cause you love it because WE CAN TOTALLY TELL THAT YOU LOVE ALL THE SILLINESS. Take time to recharge too. We don't want you to burn out. Your hair is far too GLORIOUS for that :) PS Just ordered a Threads Handheld T-shirt. I never saw the show, it looked too scary. The TV Tropes page IS too scary! :)


Funny chaos is hard work. Just like being comically bad at something is hard work... think Les Dawson on the piano. I can be rubbish at the piano but it's just bad. He had just the perfectly wrong note at just the right time. Have a break, have a KitKat, and know that we're all here supporting you (not the other way round).

Tyronne Mann

THE main thing is for you and your wife is to have that break - everything else can be pushed back (possibly not the scriptwriting but that is the joy of laptops, you can take your script anywhere) as your mental and physical batteries need to be charged as there is nothing worse than running on empty especially as it is not healthy. We will all still be here when you get back (kinda sounds like a threat that but its not :) ), Enjoy the break.

Tyronne Mann

Now you deserve to buy yourself an ice cream....just try not to drop it and piss on it.


Yeah I really don't think people get this. You cannot effectively do parody of any kind unless you could also do the thing. Leslie Nielsen being the textbook here. A superb straight actor, which is why he was so good in his later comedic career.