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I've been talking with tech support off and on for hours and so far the issue has not been resolved

Please tell me how I can make this up to you all.
I don't want to keep apologizing without bettering the situation.

Here are the links to where the audios can be found once I have figured tings out. These links will not be necessary for those who continue to pledge, as the audios will also be uploaded to patreon.

https://soundgasm.net/u/Gingerbreadpigge/Captivate (already posted to patreon, check for it tomorrow)




I'm stating this for my own gratification, but I was actually going to get things done  this month. All the audios were in the home stretch when this shit happened and that is kicking me in the face.

One thing that I did plan on posting about, and this has hammered it home, unfortunately, is that I'm going to need to cut my workload down to 2 audios a month going forward. I simply don't have the bandwidth right now to post more, especially with how many audios tend to pile up, which is a fault of my own, but still something i need to take into consideration.

I'll make another post soon with more info, but right now I need to get back to figuring this shit out.

Thank you very much, and I hope I can get you your audios very soon



Today must be the day for tech problems. My phone service wouldn't reload so I had to call tech support about the issue. Took 1.5 hr to resolve.


Oh no! I just had my call dropped for the 3rd time and when I called back they said it was after hours, which is fun Glad you got your problem fixed!


Holy shit, that blows sucks. What was bad today was my phone decided to shit itself AT WORK. Hope your issues get resolved.


Well damn. Hope you're doin alright midst all that, shitd make me spiral like a top. I know this don't help you, like at all prolly, but personally you can make it up to me by striking a power pose and saying aloud three things you love about yourself. Dont record it or nothin. Do it for you. Keep that spirit up! You got this!

Obese Pete

It seems to me that you’ve severely angered the God of Technology in this, or a previous life of yours. Have you contemplated making a sacrifice? One with lots of ceremony and bloodletting and sacrificing the blood-of-virgins and such. I’ve heard gods really enjoy that kind of thing. Best of luck, thanks so much for your hard work GP! Hope you get your stuff fixed and fingers crossed it stays fixed!