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So, this is something that's been happening off and on, and previously I'd been able to fix it by opening the files in itunes because my computer wouldn't recognize them when I tried to relink them the old fashioned way.

Now my computer is saying that a lack of storage is causing the problem, despite a check confirming plenty of space. "Missing" audio files at this point won't open at all, on any program.

As you can see, occasionally a file will link, but the vast majority aren't recognized.

If anyone has a clue or a tried and true tutorial they can link in the comments, that'd be great, because I've been trying to figure this out since yesterday, on what started as only one project and has over the past few hours become an issue for every audio on my computer.

Also, I've rebooted my computer twice, nothing. 




Not really sure what kind of program you're using there or on what kind of hardware. It does seem that it is showing something out of sync but kind of hard to just know what's wrong with a device or software from just a single picture?


Not sure about other places but this is my local uBreak I fix and they have some of the highest ratings for any repair shop that I know uBreakiFix (919) 948-4841 https://maps.app.goo.gl/1j4ddMAcShgzTDgm8

Keldrich Archer

One possibility could be the media cache or where the project is saved. You can relocate the file to an optimal storage.


I would say if you can get on Google and look for local repair shops near you and check out their reviews and see if they may be able to help you


Insofar as the storage bit is concerned, my pc used to allocate all downloads to the location storing all the necessary computer systems instead of my external hard drive. That caused all sorts of problems and was a messy fix. To fix that we had to move every unnecessary file to the external and set both PC and apps settings to download to the proper location. That's all I got, meeesa useless


Sorry, didn't think to include more info, tech definitely isn't my forte. I've been on the phone with a professional for the past hour trying to figure this out and it's possible that my hard drive is on it's last legs (which I guess is what I get for buying used) I'm hoping I can transfer the files to another computer, but we'll see Thank you for your suggestions! Sorry for the weird post, I'm frazzled and just thew this post up in a desperate bid for a fix


Oh yeah if it's a windows PC download https://windirstat.net/ It'll give you a breakdown of everything that is on your computer and what is showing up as corrupted in a lot of cases. If you feel like it when you get the information you can share it as well. Maybe we can help you further