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Hey folks, hope y'all are well. I was not expecting July to be as busy as it was for me with life stuff but it was. As of right now, I'm trying to get back on the horse with the channel and getting videos consistently uploaded again. Gimme the rest of the week to get my head on my shoulders. Here's hoping August will be much better! Sandy video drops this Friday though so at least there's that. Thanks for being patient folks! 




Firstly, you need not apologize for having your hands full with life-related stuff. There are times when we cannot predict what life will throw our way, and sometimes, the life-related stuff can pile up to the point where we have little, if any, time to do the things we really wanna do. I reckon in your case, the life-related stuff prevented you from covering some of the bigger topics you would have wanted to cover this month. But you know what? I forgive you for being so busy with life stuff and not making July the big month for video topics you wanted. Like I said, it happens, and besides, I'm sure you'll be fully back in business on YouTube soon enough. I bet you'll have some exciting videos for us to look forward to in August...at the very least, it looks like we have a Jellystone Quick Vid to look forward to, and you can even tear apart The Prince in a future video if you want to (Yes, I saw your tweets stating how much you hate that show and how superior adult animated shows such as Primal deserve more attention). And don't worry...I'm not gonna beg for a review of that Sailor Moon movie you were sent recently. Heaven knows YouTube would shoot it down in no time flat, and I think that after whatever grief you went through to get the Sandy video approved for your channel (I know not exactly what problems you had with that video last week, but fingers crossed they've been/will be sorted out), you could use a bit of a break from that sort of thing for a little while at least. Speaking of the Sandy video, you can bet I will endeavor to check it out ASAP once it goes live...again, hopefully it won't run into any issues this time. I'll see you soon, Saber...take care until then, OK? =) P.S. Since I've seen a number of your fans get their YouTooz figure, I reckon I'll get mine delivered any day now. When I do, I promise to let you know about it on social media as soon as possible! =)