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Heya folks! Hope y'all are well. Short update for now, I had a very busy week with real life stuff and I'm just now getting my feet on the ground with work. That being said, we will see the return of "Weird Episode" this Friday with a particular episode from the horrible Powerpuff Girls 2016 reboot. Guys...I HATE this episode so much. Get ready to suffer lol




How I’ve missed the Weird Episode series. I’m glad to see it come back.

Chad Serrant

You already mentioned PPG 2016, so I'm suffering already

Chad Serrant

*glares at thumbnail* that's not how body mass works. At all...


I gotta ask...what the blazes happened to Buttercup?! How did the people behind PPG 2016 come up with such a cursed image?! At any rate, I have heard about how awful the PPG reboot was, having seen your PPG 2016 video that you made a long time ago (and I don't have even the tiniest amount of faith in the upcoming live action version, even with the pilot being rewritten). Based on the above image, the writers really stooped low for this episode, and that's saying something. As the first Weird Episode you've done since the Invader Zim lice episode last August, I shall be itching to here your thoughts on an episode that I can only imagine is pure WTF quality. I'll see you soon, Saber! =)