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Pour one out for ol' Don Bluth. Have any of you all watched this movie before? Lemme know in the replies! 


What the HELL is Titan A.E.? (The Movie That KILLED Fox Animation Studios)

Go to https://buyraycon.com/saberspark for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon Titan AE is one of the greatest animated box office FLOPS of all time. Like it literally hurts to think about how much it failed but did it deserve all that hate? ---Saber's Social Media--- ►Watch More of Saber's Reviews Here: https://tinyurl.com/y5e3ya5j ►Follow Saber on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Saberspark ►Follow Saber on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/saberspark_ ►Support Saber on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/saberspark ►Join and become a YouTube Member for exclusive perks: https://tinyurl.com/rbc4e9h ---Video Credits--- ►Video Script and Research by Saberspark ►Video Edits and Thumbnail by Henri Yount https://twitter.com/BViddyCent ►Video Edits by Nick Ha https://www.youtube.com/user/yamamoto114 ►Audio Edits by dBPony https://www.youtube.com/user/dBPonyMusic ►Research Assistance by Paleo https://www.youtube.com/user/paleovlogs ►Research Assistance by Jim Gisriel https://www.youtube.com/user/jimgisriel ►Intro Music/Outro Music by Hirosashii https://www.youtube.com/user/Hirosashii ►Avatar Pics by Acid Neko https://twitter.com/xXacidnekoXx ►Thumbnail Art + Additional Avatar Pics by Flutter Spartan https://twitter.com/FlutterSpartan ►Music by Home https://soundcloud.com/home-2001 ---Art of the Week--- ►Art by vixen.elloise.foxx https://twitter.com/vixenelloisefox ---Video Sources--- ►https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F4yn0bachfNINNiDE0j8kd9WGyrTTiURl7CxsOFz37w/edit?usp=sharing



I have been fascinated by Don Bluth's career for many years...how he left Disney to strike out on his own, how he made a few movies in the 1980s that proved to be commercial and/or critical successes, how he struggled with a few bad movies in the 1990s, and how he had hoped that working at Fox Animation Studios would increase his chances of being competitive with Disney. The success of Anastasia-one of my childhood favorites, by the way-showed some promise for the future of Bluth's career, but then came Titan A.E., and suddenly, Bluth's career would fall apart faster than the speed of light. With the days of traditional animated feature-length movies being numbered, and CGI-animated movies growing in popularity to the point where they would soon become the norm, Bluth's animation skills clearly had no place in the world of animated movies anymore. This is unfortunate, and between the failure of this movie, and the planned animated Dragon's Lair film being pushed aside in favor of a live-action version, it is an unhappy ending to Don Bluth's animated feature film career. While I have watched most of Don Bluth's other movies, I have never actually watched Titan A.E. before. I cannot recall why I avoided this one...was it due to a lack of interest? Was I getting a bit too old for animation, a foolish thought for me nowadays (I was 15 at the time of the movie's release)? I can't say, but from what I have seen of the movie from this video, I might have thought that it was an interesting novelty-on account of the experimental use of 2D and 3D animation blending together-and little more than that had I watched it back then. I might have been impressed by the animation techniques back then, but the CGI animation clearly has aged quite horribly, looking more like a PS2 game by today's standards. Still, the animation might have been the saving grace of a movie that otherwise seems to have suffered from serious story and character development issues. With all that said, it is still a shame that Titan A.E. not only ruined Don Bluth's career, but also killed Fox Animation Studios. Such a promising studio made to try and compete with Disney, only to find itself dealing with the rise of CGI animation and the fact that not many people cared about seeing an animated sci-fi action movie. That the studio closed its doors less than two weeks after the movie's release just goes to show how their clearly-honest attempt to try to make a different kind of animated feature failed so miserably. A sad end all around for those involved with the movie's production. The story of the making of Titan A.E.-and how it bombed so spectacularly-is clearly more fascinating and intriguing than the movie itself, and you, Saber, have succeeded in telling us about how the movie-and the studio behind it-died so quickly as well as if it was any good to begin with. It's clear to me that you find it to be one of Bluth's weaker movies...not along the lines of other stinkers like Rock-a-Doodle or A Troll in Central Park, but still pretty meh overall. Even so, seeing this video makes me want to check out the movie at some point, either by tracking down a physical copy somewhere or praying for a Disney+ release at some point (Anastasia is already on D+, so why not Titan A.E.? Unless, of course, Disney and Fox would like to forget that the movie ever happened). If ever I do see the movie, I'll let you know what I personally thought of it. In the meantime, I thank you for sharing your thoughts on this little-seen sci-fi movie, and I wish you luck with your next video! Until the next time, Saber, take care! =)


While I was old enough to have memory of the year this movie came out in (I was five in the year 2000), I do not remember it. The main reason I know about it is because when my ex and I were still dating, he had me watch it with him. I guess it all works out because I had him watch Tangled with me. Nevertheless, Titan A.E. wasn't a movie worth remembering.