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Hey folks! Hope everyone is well. Gonna be a short update for this week, got a ton on my plate and I'm trying to keep everything moving along. The big video for this week will be a review of Titan AE and why it was such a financial failure. It lost over $100,000,000 for Fox and would be the main catalyst for the closure of Fox Animation Studios. Also the movie isn't that good imo but a lot of other folks seem to love it. Go figure

Besides that, I got a Quick Vid for Tom and Jerry coming out Wednesday! It's super short but honestly, I didn't have much to say about that film. It was very much so below average

That's it for now! Please hit me up if you have any questions! Thanks again! 




Ah, Titan A.E...a movie that did so poorly at the box office that it not only killed Fox Animation Studio (which is a crying shame, as one of their previous movies-Anastasia-was a childhood favorite of mine), but also brought down Don Bluth's career. As one of the only Don Bluth movies I have never seen (along with A Troll in Central Park), I will most certainly be interested in hearing about whether or not it deserved to flop as badly as it did. As for Tom and Jerry 2021...yeah, that movie seems to have turned out to be as bad as the 1992 movie if not even worse. I look forward to seeing you tear it apart in your next Quick Vid. That's all I have for now...take care of yourself, Saber! =)


If only you could combine the best parts of Titan AE and the best parts of Treasure Planet... and then release it with an audience more like today's.

Everfree Brumby

Hey, at least it’s not a furry chick for once.