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These are going to be small status updates so everybody knows what we are currently working on -

Daphne - This is an arcade LaserDisc emulator. Still a work in progress, and it was kindly donated by a contributor called Seismal. It still required heavy work though to make it conform to the confines of a libretro core, though, which is what we are currently doing.

Supermodel - The Sega Model 3 arcade emulator. This will be an OpenGL-only core for now since that is pretty much the only backend anyway.

Ishiiruka - We have this one already working but so far only the OpenGL renderer works. We also want to get Direct3D 11 and Vulkan up and running with it. Depending on your experience, it can have better frame pacing/performance than the Dolphin libretro core, but give or take, both Dolphin and Ishiiruka have their own unique inherent advantages, so the idea is for people to be able to choose what they want to use, or use both!


RetroArch v1.7.4 - The big new RetroArch version. Creating custom playlists will be less of a pain than it was in the past due to the new WIMP features. I am heavily confident this version will lower the barrier of entry for desktop users considerably!

Hope we gave you a good update of what we have baking in the oven, and this is not even all that is currently being worked on. We hope to be able to start releasing this stuff during the beginning of this month one by one.



Thanks for the information. Please can you estimate when will the new dolphin core version will be available for downloading on Retroarch / Lakka ? (or maybe it's the case already ?) I'm not in a hurry, just excited to install and test it. Anyways take your time for baking us nice stuff :) Tchüss


Thank you, your hard work is much appreciated!