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You take a look at the crowd of prisoners surrounded by your men and say "We will take them as slaves". "My king?" asks one of your generals, "They're not conscripts, they weren't forced to fight for king Ezra... The god of war did not bless our campaign against them just for the sake of bloodshed and massacres, I want to expand Galath's domain here in the north! This gulf is going to make us prosper, and we need the men to make new buildings, roads, cultivate these untreated lands". You take a look at the vast, wild hills, and can already imagine fields and orchards on that fertile land. "General Marcos, go tell the men", "Yes, my king".Now only the enemy's capital remains, then the campaign will be over and the entire northern gulf, occupied by the roxoan barbarians years ago, will finally return into the hands of a true king. Before the sunset, the entire army prays to the bull god Iskyròs in front of his big ebony idol. Iskyròs is the divinity of war, battles, manliness and physical strength. The champion Eirenas offered himself as host for this prayer, and when the men are ready, they chant their prayers while they surround the idol. "God Iskyròs, divine bull, thank you for granting us victory today. You gave us strength, we gave you victory, you gave us back the faith in you. We celebrate now, and invite you to join us to celebrate our success". Eirenas takes his armor off and walks naked to the dark idol. "Tonight i offer myself as host. My body is a vase, my body is yours. Do as you please, oh divine bull". After the prayer, Eirenas touches the idol and the sky darkens with a thunder. Black clouds start swirling above the battlefield, while the roxan prisoners crawl up, cry and watch terrified to the god's arrival. A black lightning strikes the idol, then the clouds and all the darkness get all together drained by it. For an instant, complete darkness, complete silence. While the light comes back, the idol and Eirenas merged in a dark figure. The cloud disappeared from the sky. The men bow and salute the divine bull by bringing their fist to their chest, "We welcome, god Iskyròs".

The god of war stands there, as beautiful and powerful es ever. His amber, bright eyes open up and he snorts. He rises and smiles "Mortals..." the most respectful silence is broken only by the trees moving in the wind "...let's celebrate!", he roars with his rumbling deep voice, pleased. The men stands up and cheer with thunderous applause while the god gets greeted and surrounded by a crowd of adorers who try to touch him and beg to be blessed as he walks between them. "Bless me, oh god of war!", "Protect me and my son in the upcoming battle, oh great!", "Give us the strenght we need, god Iskyròs!", he barely looks at them and stops in front of king Mithrid and the other generals. "Thou fought well, oh king of Galath". "Thank you, god Iskyròs... we fight this war in your name, my god". "In my name, and for the state coffers, i bet." he jokes, but king Mithrid looks absolutely terrified by his reply. "Worry not, man king, as you well remember, it is i who pushed thee to conquer these lands, and i approve thy deeds". "T-thank you, my god" he bows. The giant bull turns around and smiles at the men "Go on then, indulge me in this celebration!" they roar in approval. "Eat the animals, get drunk, breed, sing and dance, because you won!".

The poor roxan prisoners watched Iskyròs from a distance, while the bull god walks toward you, still surrounded by his cheerful worshippers until he asks them to move with a gesture of his hand. He stops in front of you. "God Iskyròs", "Stelios...", you salute him with your fist on your chest. "My host, Eirenas, venerates thee just as much as he venerates me". You don't know if that offended or made him happy, but before you could say anything he continues, "So i guess he will forgive me, if i choose to take you now". He lifts your chin up to make you look at him. His golden eyes get bright for a moment as he makes you stand up. "God Iskyròs...", you whisper before he kisses you. The entire army cheers and calls your name while the divine bull pushes his tongue into your mouth. It's big, soft, and makes you drool all over your chin. His huge hands hold you, while the tip of his giant cock starts poking your chest. No one ever touched you except for your master, and for a moment you can't help but feel guilty for what you're doing. Eirenas would kill whoever dared to touch you, but in this case, it's a god who wanted you. "Breed him, oh bull", "Mount that boy", scream the men, embarrassing you. The bull keeps pushing his lips against yours while some men bring a ceremonial bed on the stone where the idol was set before the prayer.

The god lifts you up and carries you on his shoulders, making the crowds cheer and laugh, "Yeah!", "Take him!". You hold onto his perfect muscular back, shiny like silk and warmer than any human could ever be. While he walks to the altar, he takes your sandals off and lets them fall on the grass as he proceeds. He moves your cloth and exposes your bottom in front of everyone, then he fingers it with the other hand. When he throws you on the bed, he stands there waiting for you to undress yourself. "Remove thy clothes, son. Let us see your body". Once again you think about your master and the fact that he would never let the other men watch you undress, much less touch you, and you can't help but blush and feel humiliated and guilty. When you are fully naked, he leans forward and smiles, ready for mating. You lay there bare naked on the blue sheets of the bed while the god warrior holds you with his right hand under your lower back while fingering you with his left hand. God Iskyròs slowly pushes his entire tongue inside your hole. It's soft, slimy, and his warm, wet bovine muzzle pushes between your buttcheeks, breathing heavily. He goes on for a good couple of minutes while some of the soldiers gathered around you start masturbating. The bull lays you down, move onto you and whispers with his incredibly deep voice, "Look at me". You obey, and while he keeps asking you to maintain eye contact the soft, wet head of his big cock just finds its way inside of your body without him needing to use his hands. "Just look at me", you gasp, but then obey and nod at him, "I chose thee, because my host was very attached to you, son", he whispers while his giant black cock slides inside your hole. "I chose thee, because his connection with you showed me your valors. Young, yet manly and brave. Loyal, faithful, and strong". You feel honored and overwhelmed, and yet you can't help but also feel more and more guilty. "Do you love your master Eirenas?", "YES!", you shout out while trying to not to cry "More than me, huh? And you're not afraid to deny it to a god." you can feel his hard member sliding in your hole and stretching it like nothing ever did before "Very loyal." He smiles. He kisses you and sinks the entirety of his cock inside your anus, making the men around you cheer and sing his name "Iskyròs! Iskyròs! Iskyròs!". He stops pushing for a moment, keeps moving his tongue inside your mouth and looks at you while you can feel him grinding his powerful hips against your body, slowly, in circles.

I'll post the next images soon, the god of war has been colored by Rain <3


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