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The men retrieve the wounded and take them back to the camp while the king stands next to the battlefield, discussing the victory with his generals. "It's still too soon to estimate the losses, but their army was definitely halved before they retreated". "As soon as our cavalry broke in, they sounded the retreat... they still had half their army there, ready to fight". "Yeah, but maybe they thought they needed them to protect the capital". "If that's true, only the ones who escaped went back to their king in the capital, they're not enough to resist a siege, king Mithrid" Every general is happy about the result, since the number of the armies was approximately the same, but overall the common feeling is confusion. "Why did they retreat like that?" you mumble, catching the attention of one of your generals.  "My king?", but before you could say anything else, the champion approaches on horse with his apprentice right behind him "King Mithrid!". You turn around to him, "Bull?" he dismounts and catches his breath as he bows "My king... i bring most important news".

Eirenas accompanied you and your generals to see a corpse, barely recognizable after a horse crushed his face with its hooves, but it's definitely him. The armor, the rings, the long hair, and the crown horribly bashed in his skull, it's him, king Ezra. "Their king, your majesty... the roxan king is dead". "It's him", "By the gods...", "So the coward decided to join his barbarians for the final battle", your generals comment while you stand around his corpse. Eirenas approaches you from behind "One of their men told me what happened after i spared his life... he said king Ezra joined their army, he didn't stay inside the capital". You look at him as he smiles "They're without a leader now". "And without the numbers to resist a siege" you reply. After their prince died in the first battle as you disembarked on their coasts, king Ezra was the only guide these barbarians had, and now their generals will fight each other to decide who is gonna be the leader. "Their allies abandoned them, they won't get any help for the siege... we need to take care of our men now. Only when the wounded will be fine we can think about a siege". A general comes closer "My king, it could take weeks, a month, before..." "Why? You have something else to do, general Tarpos?" you glance him, only to realize he's not wrong. It's been almost 2 months since you left the south, and fought 4 battles already, the men are tired. "We can't stop now... but..." you look down "No, maybe you're right, we can't wait too long either". "If we attack now they won't have time to organize their defences in the capital... unless they already prepared for this possibility... on the other hand, i'd like to attack with all your men, my king, since many of them are wounded right now..." The champion comments, making you nod, but then a general calls you "My king...", you turn around "...what about their men? There's almost 500 prisoners who we managed to capture, they're many!" A big part of your army is busy tying the barbarians and leading them away from the camp...

You decide to...


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