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Volume 3.5 Chapter 38:

With the horse not there anymore, Keith left the training ground. Cadmus stated,

"I get the feeling we'll be seeing that horse again,"

"Eh?" Aidiun and Tennol tilted their heads when they heard that. Cadmus turned to the two,

"That kid is the animal whisperer,"

"Huh?" Animal whisperer? What's that?

"That kid has a certain charm that attracts animals to him," Sohma explained. That was Keith's superpower.

"I bet my home that horse is going to return to Keith's side sooner or later," That was how certain he was about the horse.

"I'm not betting. But I know that horse will come back to Keith." Sohma sighed. There was definitely no way the horse wouldn't come back. The way it looked at Keith showed it was interested in him.

Sohma and Cadmus looked at one another.

That kid is loved by animals. He tamed a herd of Samui, a Blizzard Owl, and a forest spirit. One of them alone would be enough.

"..." Tennol turned to Aidiun. The latter seemed to realize something.

Am I missing something?


What Keith didn't know was that people were talking about him like no tomorrow. That was because of the incident at the knight class. It was uncommon for a student not to have a horse in that class.

"How could he not have a horse?"

"I heard the horse he wanted to choose Rustchil's heir instead."

"Tsk. Even a horse understood who was better,"

But Keith had no care in the world as he stared into space. I need to do something. Keith thought long and hard about this. While he was thinking hard,

"That's it!" Keith slapped his hands together as he screamed!

"Keith, you are in class!" The professor stared at Keith. Did this person forget that he was in class? All the students stare at him strangely.

Keith stared at the board,

"That's incorrect. You have to do it like this!" Keith took the magic pen and started to write. After he was done, Keith walked out of the classroom!

"..." Did you forget about your class?

Keith did because the place he went to was the principal's office.

"Grandpa Cadmus!" Keith shouted. That almost caused Cadmus to spill his tea!

"Woah! Keith, why are you here?! Shouldn't you be in class?!" He swore that his class should be happening right now.

"Is happening. And now I'm here!"


"But enough about that! I need to talk to you about something!" Keith stated with an eager look on his face! He was excited.

"..." Cadmus and Sohma gave each other a look.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to open up a cart!" K

"What?" The two questioned. A cart?

"You know. It's like a stall, but you can pull and push it around and sell food," Do they not have food carts in this world? He understood what he wanted.

A cart was a good idea. There was no need to keep it in one space. Not only that, Keith could pull it back and forth.

What was more, he could make different foods with it.

"..." Cadmus blinked his eyes when he heard that,

"Does that mean I can order whatever I want at the cart?"


Keith shook his head, "Of course, you can't order whatever you want. But there's going to be a menu for you to choose."

What was Cadmus thinking? Was he trying to order something drastic?

"But I don't know how to open one." There should be certifications and other things he had to get. That was why Keith came here.

"On it! Don't worry about anything! I will get you that permit!" Cadmus stated.

That look said it all. There was a fire in Cadmus's eyes!

"Hmm, now I need to figure out the design," Keith was in deep thought as he wondered how to design it. Sohma stated at the two.

These two are too focused.

"Keith, why did you run out of the class like that?!"  Carolyn glanced at the idiot who ate lunch like nothing was wrong.

"Have more important things to do," Keith answered. But that caused the others to be curious.

"What were you doing?"

"I was asking Principal Cadmus about opening a cart," That caused the others to be confused.

"A cart? What are you going to do with that?"

Keith explained, "I'm going to cook food and sell it to people!" That caused everyone to not say anything and stare at him.

"You're going to be selling food?" Carolyn questioned.

"But don't you have enough coins?" Tristan was confused as to why Keith needed more. After all, there was the White Owl merchant group and the White Forest bakery.

Keith was earning so many coins that he didn't need to worry about it for two generations.

"I'm not doing it for the coins. I'm doing it because it's fun," Keith stated.
