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Volume 3.5 Chapter 34:

"I know of a great place where we can buy all our materials from," Keith stated with a happy expression. And like that, the four headed to the store. Diana didn't want to come as she wanted to tend to the garden. But she did write down what she wanted.

Cadmus was dragged off the island by Sohma. With how much he had annoyed them, there was no paperwork done. And Sohma needed to recoup that.

And like that, the group arrived in front of Iron Hilde Workshop.

"Keith, is this the place where we're buying from?" Aidiun questioned. Aidiun and Arlo's expressions changed when they stared.

"Mmhmm. Is there something the matter with it?"

"You understand this is Iron Hilde Workshop!"

"Yes. Let's go in now," Keith entered the workshop.

"What are you doing here, Brat!" Skar glared at Keith.

"Is that how you treat your customers?" Keith smirked. Gabriel and the two stared at the interaction. Are you guys going to fight?

Skar sighed, "If you're looking for the boss, he's in his office."

"Thanks," Keith turned to the others, "Let's go," As they headed to Dalen's office,

"Keith, you're amazing!"


"The dwarves working in Iron Hilde Workshop are the most stubborn! They would never yield." Arlo stated with a sparkling expression.

"Oh, yeah. The workers did try to attack me in the beginning. That was interesting," Keith chuckled.

"How could you laugh in that situation?" Gabriel shook his head. He was attacked by a bunch of dwarves. He also took them out without a thought.

Keith knocked on Dalen's door,

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Dalen."

"Come in," Keith entered the room, and Dalen smiled,

"What's the matter, Keith?"

"Dalen, I want to buy some materials for my mansion."

"So you finally decided?" Dalen smiled and noticed the three, "And they're here for the same?"

"Mmhmm." Keith nodded. Dalen brought them over to the workshop for construction. The dwarves turned to them.

"Kid, what kind of idea have you got on your hand?"

"Check this out!" Keith stated as he pulled out some plans.

"Hoho. So you know how to add some ideas,"

"Hey! Where's my idea,"

"Your idea sucked," Keith stated, and like that, an argument started.

"Should we stop this?" Arlo questioned.

"It's fine. We don't need to do anything about it," Dalen shook, "That's how they usually talk with one another."

"Keith talks with them like this?" Aidiun was surprised."

"That's because they accepted him as an equal," But by bit, the dwarves started to accept Keith as a brilliant mind. They didn't in the beginning. But Keith's abilities weren't something they could look away from.

"Equals clash to make something better," Dalen stated as he watched them. He asked,

"Do you guys know what you want for your rooms?"

"I-I have an idea!" Arlo took something out. They were blueprints. Aidiun and Gabriel were surprised.

"When did you have that?"

Arlo scratched his head, "When I was little, I like to design. So I have some ideas I want to incorporate."

The three stared at the blueprints,

"You're a great drawer."

"It's nothing,"

"No, your blueprints are well-detailed and easy to understand," Dalen added.

"Really?!" Arlo questioned with a bright expression. Dalen nodded, "Mmhmm, I think you could give the kid a run for it with these designs,"

"Thank you so much!" Arlo bowed his head. Hearing praise from a master craftsman like Dalen was incredible.

"Dalen! Do you sell beds here?" Keith asked.

"We sell the frame. But we don't sell the mattress," Dalen's workshop wasn't a full-on department store.

"I see," Keith looked at the two, "You guys pick out a bed frame you want. I need to choose some other things,"

"Gotcha!" The three nodded.

"Also, I need you guys to construct something for me," Keith's purpose was to ask him for construction.

"Hmm? What do you want us to build?" Dalen was interested.

"I want all of this here," Keith stated with a smile. He had a list prepared. Dalen looked through the items he wanted,

"We have all of that. And it will take a day or two to cut them all."

"Also, I need you guys to construct a bathroom for me," That was something else Keith needed to do. That bath in the mansion was not good. It was broken and run down.

"Do you have a design?"

Keith grinned,

"I want you to do it like this," Like that, Keith had brought out another blueprint. The dwarves stared at it.

"This is an interesting design,"

"You want to divide it into two parts?"

"Yep, yep." Keith turned to the three, "Come and check it out. We're going to be using it together,"

"Okay!" Arlo and Gabriel nodded as they looked at the blueprints Keith brought out.

"Wow, I've never seen something like this."

"It's interesting."

"It would also give us the best views as we take a bath!" Keith stated with a grin. He asked,

"How long will it take for everything to finish?"

"If you only want the bath constructed, it should be in a week or two days. With the kitchen, it should take at least three weeks,"

"That quick?" They were surprised.

"Don't underestimate the workers of Iron Hilde," Dalen stated with a grin. They give top-of-the-line quality at the quickest pace.

"And how much would everything cost?"

"If we're talking about the speed, the perfection, and the materials, I would say around 20 platinum coins,"

"Oh, sure. Put it on the principal's tab."

"..." Keith?

Aidiun and the other two were speechless.

Keith laughed, "Relax. 20 platinum coins are nothing for Grandpa Cadmus,"

"Pff, I think the principal is going to get you for this," Gabriel stated. There was no way Cadmus was going to do anything.

"Eh, worst case, he would ask for more food. I can take it," There was really nothing to worry about.

"..." Are you sure?



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