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Hey everyone, hope you're well! It turned out August was the month that I finally caught THE BUG...

First-time Covid-getter here, so it pretty much wiped two weeks off right the face of the Earth! Feeling better now and I did my best to catch up on messages, but apologies if you reached out to me and it slipped through the cracks. The brain fog is clearing up and I’m around now :)

Outside of that, I’m really looking forward to getting back to textures and tutorials. However, first I've gotta get everything sorted out to finalize the big shift off of Patreon. Here’s an overview of the plan, the calendar, and what to expect as a much-appreciated Patron of Texturelabs.

Key points:

  • Updated site launch November 1st (with temporary secret Patreon access)
  • Patreon ends December 1st
  • Annual Patrons credit will transfer to Texturelabs credit after Dec 1st
  • Everything free about Texturelabs will remain free!
  • Templates, actions, project files (bonus content) will be directly on Texturelabs instead of via Patreon

How will we stay in touch?

Lots of ways! First, I’m gonna shift these monthly newsletters over from being Patreon-only to being just a good old-fashioned mailing list. So, all the same exciting news and some cool extras, but available to everyone.

Additionally - maybe you’ve found the Patreon messaging system to be as buggy as I have? Same as ever, you can always get me by email - it’s actually much preferred! texturelabsorg@gmail.com

Plus - I haven’t checked my general social media messages in months! My plan is to do much better with that, and it’ll be fun to have a more public-facing dialog.

What about the lossless textures?
Lossless textures will work much the same as they do now. However, rather than through Patreon, users will be able to purchase a Lossless Textures / Bulk Downloads pass. During the November transition period, Patrons will be able to log in to access Lossless / Bulk Downloads.

So, is this a good thing?
For Texturelabs, it's the key to keeping the project thriving. Streamlining things to be directly on the Texturelabs site means I can be more focused and more flexible. Plus, holy cow, Patreon has so many bugs, I can't take it anymore!

This transition will also be an awesome opportunity for Patrons to catch all of the cool Texturelabs extras that you might have missed along the way. Not only am I pulling everything out of the archives, I’m also spending time making the project files bigger, badder, leaner and meaner (that's part of what's taking me so long!). As a Patreon supporter, you’ll get access to all this stuff with a secret “FREE” button during the transition.

I have other questions...
Of course! Ask ‘em in the comments section below...

As always, love you guys! For whatever reason you’re a supporter of the project - because you use it a lot, because you believe in sharing free resources, or just because you needed that After Effects Pixelate template.... I am humbled and grateful, and I thank you.

More Texturelabs on the way - the plan is to keep this thing kickin’ butt for all of us.

Cheers, Brady



That sounds more than reasonable. Thanks for the reply!


Ugh. Covid sucks. I'm glad you're feeling better! And I agree with Mark, do whatever makes you the most money. You really do deserve it!