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Hey everyone,

Just in time for Halloween… we’re back in After Effects for a HORRIFIC new tutorial - a disturbingly realistic dripping blood effect!

It’ll be released on the public feed next week, but you can check out the prerelease vid and project file now.

View on the Texturelabs page 

Or directly on YouTube 

Don’t miss the project file (attached below and on the Texturelabs tutorial page), which includes a couple of BONUS looks!

More on the way this month! Thank you and I hope this finds you well :)





How I can get the AE file


Hey Hamadah - no prob, the AE file is attached at the bottom of the post here! It's pretty subtle on Patreon the way they do it, but scroll up to the end of the post, before the comments... there's a little paperclip and it says Texturelabs_BloodSlimeOilTemplate.zip


I love you Blood Animation, I only have issue when rendering the "Live Text", when I render the "PLACEHOLDER" it renders correctly. Only when I use the "Live Text" and replace it with my own text. When rendering it crashes. Do you maybe know why this is happening. Am I doing something wrong with the placeholder text?


Oh, that's a bummer! I don't think it's anything you're doing wrong at all... Best guess is that it must be some kind of a font conflict with that Live Text layer. Have you tried getting rid of that layer and just putting in a brand new text layer? It can be any color, etc. I haven't heard any reports of that happening, but text layers definitely can cause some errors when transferred from one machine to another. Also interesting that it crashes when rendering (but not when previewing, is that right?) Let me know if deleting and replacing that layer helps. If not, I can keep looking into it - we could also try to dig into the After Effects crash logs, but they can be tough to interpret!


hey the this file isn't working with the latest version of AE. How do I get that fixed?


Hey Jas, Can you tell me a bit more about what kind of error you’re getting? I just made sure to update to the latest AE (23.6) and I’m not having any problems with it on this end. I’ll see if I can figure out what the problem is though! -Brady


Hi guys! thanks for the excellent work. I am trying to make it work on Portrait orientation. So that it's works vertically, but it seems the particles are "short" I need them to drop "long" all the way because I am displaying it in a vertical screen. Is that possible? how it's done. thanks


Ah yes, tricky one, but I bet it could work with some adjustments. The final effect is generated from 3 compositions - the main comp, then the source precomp and the particle world precomp. The main thing you'll want to do is go into each of those comps, change the size of it, and change the layer size of every solid and adjustment layer to match the new size and aspect ratio (Layer>Solid Settings). The particle world effect may need some adjusting to make the particles last longer for the vertical orientation. I think the only tricky part will just be going through and maybe even solo'ing out each layer to make sure it's filling the compositions and behaving correctly.... Hope that helps a bit!


I tried looking at your video but I still don't understand how I would make the drip go slower and also not start immediately, im new to AE


The drips themselves are generated in the Particle World Precomp using the Particle World effect... if you double click on that Precomp layer, and then open the effects on the layer called Particle World, you can change the behavior of the drip particles there... to make them start from nothing, you could set a keyframe with the Birth Rate at 0, then another one with the Birth Rate back up at 1.0 (or higher/lower). To make them go slower, try adjusting the Gravity value (even all the way down at .01 can look good