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Chads, Gosus and Hax0rs,

Thank you all for another month of generous support. I don't have much to update you with at this point.

Master Chief Sucks at Halo Infinite is currently my priority, which will be followed by Arby 'n' the Chief's season eight finale. Master Chief Sucks at Halo Infinite is large enough that I may split it into two parts, one mostly revolving around multiplayer gameplay and the other that of the campaign mode. Both halves have already been written and I'm now doing all the recording for both parts back-to-back.

More commentary videos will be recorded and released early April. There are now commentary videos available to all of my supporters at the Gosu tier and above for the first two seasons of Arby 'n' the Chief.

I've been forgetting to add YouTube members at the Hax0r level in addition to Patreon supporters of the same tier to the producer credits of my videos but I'll be doing it going forward.

Thanks to you all so much again, your contributions and patience are so appreciated. Please stay tuned.





Can't wait man it's crazy we're at the finale been here since episode 1 keep up the amazing work :]