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Chads, Gosus and Hax0rs,

I tweeted recently saying that I'd get a short comedy video out this month in lieu of Master Chief Sucks at Halo Infinite, but, embarrassingly, I need more time for that as well, to make it as funny as I want it to be.

I spent the majority of the month working on 'Sucks at Infinite, and a lot of it's done, but there's so much gameplay to examine for jokes and critique and I want to make it as good as it can be, so I initially needed more time for that.

I started work on the shorter video late into the month and underestimated its workload because of how uniquely dumb it is (think Chief's Jon Ossim machinima), and I've always been a terrible judge of required project time. I'm sorry about that.

I've been working all month, except for a week in which I had an intestinal issue involving vomiting and regular cramps, and took time to recover as I couldn't sit and focus on anything. I've recovered now.

But I don't come empty handed this month, as I at least have just uploaded two new commentary videos for backers of the Gosu tier on the first two episodes of Arby 'n' the Chief's second season. Please see my recently created archive post on this site for Arby 'n' the Chief Season 2 commentary links.

If the commentary for "Girls" isn't viewable to you right away, please check back later. There's a copyright claim on the video for Hendrix's 'American Woman' that's restricting its viewability in certain regions. I've started a process via YouTube in which the track gets muted, which takes time and should later lift the restriction.

More commentaries will be added very soon. I can at least deliver those on a monthly basis for my backers if nothing else, unless something impedes me in a major way or I take a month off, in which case I'd pause my income.

I'd like to let the charges roll for everyone on March 1st as it's not a month I took off, it's a hard hit whenever I pause my income, and I did it perhaps too often last year. I hope that's alright with you.

I promise there's content coming, I've just got a number of plates spinning. I'm really excited about what I have to show you.

Thanks again so much to you all for your patience, viewership and generosity. I hope you're all well.




Thanks for the update Jon! Excited to see the new content coming out!

Christopher Saiyan God Mayen

Thanks bro take all the time u need like seriously actually, we all understand, music tracks plz??? K? K


Good boy take my monies. :) you've more than earned it. You got me as a backer until I'm an old man.


So the real question is: why are you supporting Russia during these times, Jon? Are they really, straight out of your own mouth not mine, defending themselves? Makes you really go hmmmmm.


Thx for update! And you're more than entitled to our money. For most of us, it's 2 bucks a month. That's like going to a 7-11 and buying a soda once a month. Pls start taking monies


Dude I just know sucks at infinite is going to be a fuckin gem. Take your time with it!


" I hope that's alright with you." You don't understand, Jon. I've got all these 5 dollar bills piled up from 200 months of skipped months. Every day I look at them and wonder why this Canadian man won't take my money. "Maybe it's the Canadian way of life", I think to myself. You're a sneaky guy, you even avoid streaming so that I can't superchat those to you. I will find a way Jon. This is more than alright for me. You WILL get these overdue dollarydoos. In all seriousness, keep up the good work bro! I always appreciate the work you put in and the extra time you spend is paid off with an overall higher quality product. Thanks for the update!


Always glad to support. Been taking notes from the show and podcast on story writing, and it's honestly helped a lot. Can't wait to see what else is in store, but take all the time necessary.