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If you aren’t aware, we’ve been hard at work putting together our latest project, which I can say will be a 20-30 minute fantasy film about a fateful encounter between an Elf Hunter and a Fairy. The pictures above are from the raw footage we took, though the color and style will be a bit different in the final cut, along with the missing VFX for the fae. Along with these shots are some little sketches my bud OnKinky drew after getting hyped by the sneak peak I showed her a few weeks back. She’s agreed to make some more art leading up to the release, so look forward to that goodness ; )

Last year, we found the time in our schedule to get a little gift together for patron eyes only. This year, no such luck; BUT, I do want you guys to see what we’ve been up to. So, hopefully on Christmas Day, I’m gonna share the first half of our film. This is all that’s close to done so far, since the VFX are taking an exceptionally long time to get right, especially with the holidays holding us back.

So we hope you’ll look forward to a special sneak peek at our latest effort. The 1/2 film will be available to Meal Tier patrons on Xmas, and then Snack Tiers on New Years Day. Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm, and can’t wait to show you what’s been cookin’!



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