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Would you listen to Mozart’s Black Metal band? The combination of metal and classical music often yields amazing results (full tab below)  

1. No Major Scales Allowed

Step one to make Black Metal is no Major scales allowed. I chose the C harmonic minor scale for this example C-D-Eb-F-G-Ab-B-C. 

2. Evil Chords

Step 2 play the most evil chords possible. Black Metal often uses minor chords in parallel motion. This means you just move minor chord shapes around until satan is summoned muhahaha. I chose a little different strategy using CmM7 and G7b9 to spice things up 

3. Black Metal Mozart

Step 3 is to combine the the scale and chords to make Mozart Black Metal! This was a bit of a challenge. I did my best to make Mozart’s “Night Music“ theme sound “black Metal” by changing it to a minor key. This is what we call “Arranging” in music theory, or reorganizing a piece of music to fit a new style. Another arranging aspect I added was the tremolo picking. Throw in some double bass blast beats and BAM! Instant black Metal 

Do you enjoy this kind of lesson? Comment below if you’re interested in writing your own music! 


If Mozart had a Black Metal band


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