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New part tomorrow! :) 



Alison St John

What a wonderful surprise, I can't wait for Elena and Marina to finally come face to face.....🤗


'Husband' and wife facing each other off in high heels. I'm hyped!

Alison St John

Out of interest, I wonder if Marina and Elena are the same height now, I can't wait to find out whether or not Marina acknowledges Andrew in any way or like Nikos, she thinks Elena's "accident" has caused her to be confused about who she is, if Marina does acknowledge Andrew, I wonder if she will be shocked at how extensive the changes have been, oh it's so intriguing ❤️

Alison St John

I can't wait to see the responses written tomorrow Myra, I can't contain myself 🤗


She will not show if she acknowledge or not while standing along with other people... it is only possible if those two will be alone 4 eyes only... now she will play along with aunt Elena act no matter if she's involved in all of this or not. I share your excitement for what will happen next :)


Same, it's the moment we all waited for :D


4 people talk will reveal nothing to the mystery of this story... I am waiting for one on one between Andrew/Elena and Marina... if Marina will talk like nothing happened and treat him like he was Elena forever... then yeah... she was in it from the very beginning... but still probably would not explain WHYYY !!!!!!!!

Nino Heđi

So far I know that Nikos is and his daughters,woman who gave him pill could be too in on it,Seferi possibly too, only Marina remains. Her conversation with Elena at party will tell us more but her arrival with guy who should portray her husband suggests also that she was in on it too. Just look at how is Marina dressed. Toska isn't in on it of that I'm sure. Also the way they're acting around Andrew shows clearly that they want him to start thinking himself as Elena and nobody else, they'll keep doing so untill it becomes habit. I can't shake a feeling that they used Andrew and everything points to that.

Nino Heđi

Since each chapter has two parts is it safe to assume that story doesn't have more than say 30 chapters?