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Happy birthday, Elena! :-D 




Will Elena now fully become what people expect her to be or will Andrew still keep up a fight? Will he have an emotional outburst as soon as he realizes that this body is here to stay? After all it's not everyday you go from a young man to a mature wife against your will. Marina will probably as expected just treat Elena as what she is to her. Her aunt. So much ahead of us, so many mysteries, but at least we can hope to see Elena in a bridesmaid dress. I'm really excited to see how Elena will squeeze these curves in normal everyday clothes 😍

Steven Hudson

I think its double mind control, remember marina saying a guy was always following her I believe she has been drugged and had her mind altered to believe Andrew really is her aunt and James is her husband that for me would explain why she disappears so often, I hope it’s not a magical transformation as we have had scenes is a doctors surgery that explained what was about to happen to him even if “he” can’t remember we know he was drugged right before that

Alison St John

I'm really looking forward to some answers eventually but it's really getting interesting, I like your theory too


I also noticed this is still the first day for Andrew waking up to his new reality and it's around 130 pages. What a day huh? :D

Nino Heđi

There are plenty of theories so it would be nice if we could see glimpses of what is actually going on behind scenes beginning with next chapter.


WHY, WHY, WHY !!! Why somebody wanted to replace Andrew so hard !!! Marina knows that this dude is false Andrew right??? She is in this bullshit from the very beginning and entire time??? If yes... She's a fu@#$in bi#$ !!! Sorry but I am very emotional while reading extremely well made comics... and I am cheering for real Andrew who is now forced to be MILF for nothing... no deserved punishment at all... poor dude. (Yes I prefer forced feminization as a well deserved punishment, but I am way too curious about how this absurdity will end just to leave right now... :) ) P.S. I hope it will end good for Andrew/Elena somehow... I have less than zero clue how but I wish him/her the best outcome possible... they (and only they) deserve it and all rest can burn in hell :}


Something in the past happened between Marina and Andrew. Don't know if it justifies this but maybe it's a reason why. I'd expect a bittersweet ending perhaps. But I share your enthusiasm, it feels like a good show where you wait every week for the new episode to come out :D

Nino Heđi

That makes sense. Also Nikos when i look at it isn't true mastermind behind transformation, in situations like Andrews mastermind is almost always woman. Nikos is just using it to his own gain. Look back at tug of war, it was revenge by main character's stepmother and she was mastermind.

Alison St John

Just occurred to me that even if all Nikos family are in on this charade, Dimitra has met Elena before, when she looked different and was taller, it would seem there's definitely something amiss with this whole transformation....


Can't remember but did Andrew/Elena comment her hight change?


Ah now I remember, around 4 inches shorter. Those surgeons are living gods. Need to find them whenever I make vacation in Athens :D Well maybe Dimitra didn't comment it because shes either on board with it or belongs to Seferi and his plot.


This story is enthralling so many people because it is a continuous succession of mysteries and twists and I think that currently it is difficult for anyone to predict how the story will evolve. Anyway I'm sure that in more than 600 pages there are many scattered clues that should be connected to each other. Congratulations to Melissa N for keeping us in suspense, making us want new episodes every time. If this story confuses us, imagine what it’s happening in Elena's mind... And I think confusing Elena with gaslighting and brainwashing techniques is the goal of Nikos and the whole family, so that Elena can no longer distinguish reality and fiction and that the creation of his new identity can be facilitated. Apparently the whole family has got a strong reason for acting in a united manner, namely the fear that what happened to Seferi and his family many years before could happen to them. I don't know if all this was premeditated before Andrew's arrival in Greece but once this deal with Mister Toska has been signed, I think it was decided to "sacrifice" Andrew for the good of Nikos' business and family life. I think Marina, who is part of the family, also has an important role in this plan. Remember when her new husband arrived at the clinic and she was afraid Andrew/Elena could meet him? This story is intertwined with the desire of revenge of Seferi and his accomplice who could be, as I said few days ago, either Joanna (maybe his transgender lover) or a person who joined at the party. Don’t forget that Seferi was able to call Elena at the phone number provided by Eva and Sofia… There are many possible theories now but I'm sure Melissa will give us more plot twists that will make us change our minds many times :)


I am also eager to see Elena fully committed in her mature mother role. Enjoying to be dressed and squeezing her matronly curves in women clothes😍


Looking forward to the scene where the jealously, outrage and rivaly triggered by meeting Marina's new companion forces Andrew to fully contemplate his changes. At a time Andrew would desperately want his wife to view him as male, a masculine, physical specimen and lover who can rival this guy. Andrew becomes ever more conscious of the fact, he isn't. Instead he stands in front of them atop high heels, having offered a hand that was perfectly manicured with long, deep red nails. Wearing a dress barely able to contain the womanly curves his body now possesses. He looks at them through heavy false eyelashes from a face perfectly made-up and undeniably feminine. Beneath his dress there's an absense between his legs and a jiggle from his chest he knows he shouldn't feel in the way he does Andrew ponders further. Even if he were to challenge this guy right now, stop this charade, confess who he really was and begin stripping off these clothes... would that actually do anything to prove who he was? Andrew thinks back to the image reflected back at him in the mirror less than an hour before; he realises it wouldn't. He couldn't even prove to them he is really a man let alone his own real identity. The full implications begin to dawn on Andrew. "Surely... a disguise you can't remove is no longer a disguise?" Another question slowly forms in Andrew's mind.... "And if this isn't a disguise, then just how many 'permanent', female attributes can a person possess before they are considered fem....?" Shaken, Andrew takes a step toward the table. As if to taunt him he hears the clip of his heels, feels the constriction of his skirt and another jiggle from his chest. A terrifying moment of realisation hits him.... He was so busy 'pretending' to be a woman he never realised... In an act of affirmation Andrew smooths his skirt under him, sits his shapely behind down on a chair and with a silky swish gently crosses his legs in a way no man comfortably could. He looks at Marina's new companion in thought. "I'm not a love-rival to this guy ..." Then he looks down at the smooth legs emerging from the hem of his dress. "Thanks to them I'm no longer a guy..." He uncrosses he's legs and stares down at the tight skirt enveloping his legs, he notes how his curves make it taper from hip to knee. The smooth front to the skirt only confirms to the world what he now realises is true. "OMG. They did it." "I'm a woman." "The crazy bastards actually made me a Elena." A myriad of questions bombarded her brain. She looked-up in final realisation at Marina. Marina who had been watching her, caught the gaze and looked back. A moment of understanding passed between them. Marina knew that Andrew had just realised the extent of her changes. Andrew looked out at the world for the first time as a woman. He looked at the woman who had been her wife, for the first time realising she was no longer equipped to be her or anyone's husband. An anger boiled within her.

Nino Heđi

There is no brainwashing only gaslighting when necessary. Andrew isn't happy about it but he has to become Nikos's devoted wife Elena and the disguise must be perfect so Toska won't suspect anything. If he ever figures out that Elena isn't who she is, the entire family is screwed so him becoming Elena is voluntary to protect family which is clearly shown when he talked to marina. If Seferi's plan works and and Toska is stopped Elena can't go back to being Andrew again because by then all procedures will be permament.


I understand what happened but don't understand why... why so much effort for all of this... who gained from this and what??? Still so many questions right?

Nino Heđi

They put so much effort because Toska is dangerous man, Nikos signed contract with multimilon fee if he pulls out, Toska is conservative and if he figures out that Elena is male actually entire family will suffer for it and Andrew in disguise knows this which is why he is following along with the plan to keep family safe. Another character is Seferi who along with his family ended up in jail simply for being gay for 22 years because Toska framed him through bribes. Andrew becoming Elena is for sake of family. Seferi wants revenge for what Toska done to him so he is in game too but i don't know what he is planing yet but Elena is key in his plan and if it works Nikos and family will be out of danger and Seferi gets his revenge.


I'm so glad I read that. Your writing is pretty good and it caught the essence of the moment 💛


Now that I remember I'm more eager for, when Elena tries to speak english broken and with accent :)


I just couldn't help myself and looked over previous pages and somehow Marinas reaction at the doctors office was just too natural to be devious. I now have to spew out another theory. Since she was shocked to hear about the arrival of her 'husband' at the hotel, maybe she is forced to play into it. Like blackmailed or threatened and she goes along with it to protect her family AND Andrew to some degree because his life is in danger too and saver as Elena. Maybe she will be as shocked as Andrew when they see each other next chapter and we see some of Marinas pokerface slipping up, seeing what has been doen to her husband. I'm still holding up my hope and first theory that Marina had nothing to do with it and it got out of hand way too much.

Alison St John

My issue with Marina is she callously leaves Andrew/Elena at the most important moments, she always seems to put the blame on him/her for it too, when the actual story ends we will all look back for all the clues that may well be obvious in hindsight, Marina is the most divisive character in this story I feel

Alison St John

Depending on the outcome of Elena's conversation with Marina, I wonder if finally Elena being in an upset frame of mind, falls for Nikos consolling, caring advances and she finally gives herself to Nikos in the marital sense 🤔

Alison St John

All I can say is Melissa has us all coming up with different theories to what's going on, I hope things start to reveal themselves soon, like others I anticipate with excitement to a new part of Aphrodite's Mirror ☺️


Maybe she didn't know she leaves him alone at the most important moments there. In regards to that I have an even wilder theory how th Albanian business man knew everything all along and... maybe next chapter I post it, would be too much wall of text :D


I would love this to be the case. Andrew undresses. Marina's reaction to seeing the extent of his changes for the first time. Andrew shamefully acknowledging not only does he have the appearance of a middle-aged woman, he fears the transformation is more complete than anything they thought possible. Marina walks up to him and without a word gently cups Andrew between the legs. He flinches slightly. Marina looking him directly in the eye moves her finger a little further and gently inserts it into Andrew. Andrew let's out a tiny gasp. There's a look of realisation between them. With tears in her eyes Marina gently states. "Oh my God Andrew, you're a woman". That would be delicious.


I know what you mean but many assume Marina is involved in Andrew forced feminization, even though we saw her POV how she was followed by someone. Well I'm gonna do my last grand theory for this week before I go back into hibernation and wait for the next chapter :D So what if the Albanian knew it all along that Elena is actually a man. What if his appearance of a weak old man is just facade? If he is really that dangerous then there has to be more to it than just a grumpy old man doing business. And everytime we saw the blonde woman, first at the toilette in bandages and then at the doctors office, both times drugging Andrew and in both cases he got himself deeper into this mess. The second time resulting in unknowingly himself accepting a full gender surgery. In both cases the family played along, first because Andrew made everything more complicated and after the surgery maybe to protect his state of mind, because if he found out that he is irreversibly now an older mature woman forever, what kind of toll would that inflict on his mind? Maybe the family is already in the grips of the Albanian and they have to play along his 'game' to protect themself and even Andrew now Elena. Maybe James is someone hired by him to replace Andrew and Marina is forced to play along with it, as much as it pains her. We will have to see next part but if Marina aknowledges even a tiny bit that Elena is Andrew then I'd say she is innocent in his fate.

Nino Heđi

He is posing as 55 years old woman yet he is 20 years at least younger. So far all of Mellisa's stories ended up main character finds happiness but i don't see it yet here. They basicaly did sex reasignmnent surgery without him knowing it. So what I've seen suggests that Marina is innocent because she is not happy about what heppened to her husband. There are a lot of things unclear i don't know where this is going. All i see is man trying to keep his family safe at great personal expense. We will know everything through several moths of the story as Toska said. I sure hope that this story doesn't to much chapters. So maybe in chapter or two we may learn where this is going.

Nino Heđi

Let's put it this way: Even if Elena becomes what people expects at some point Andrew won't fight but he will never disappear, all his memories will remain. I think Elena speaking with broken accent is just an act.


How can you explain the fact that Elena is speaking amd thinking in greek and that she can't even understand english now?