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Update Notes:

Bugfix: Likely crash on exit
Bugfix: Crash when undo'ing a sample deletion if there were any associated sampler blocks
Bugfix: Crash when hovering over a sampler block if the associated sample was deleted
Bugfix: Block colors don't update when the track color does
Bugfix: Sample being stamped isn't always hidden while sample-overriding another sampler block
Bugfix: Sampler block doesn't rebake after a "Replace Sample" operation
Bugfix: Sampler block doesn't get added to the bakery queue if a rebake is triggered before the sample frames have finished loading
Bugfix: Effect blocks can get stuck in the bakery queue waiting for unqueued dependencies to bake

Plugin Updates:

Rattler v0.1.0
Added (it's in the 'Delay' submenu)


Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)
Wiki: blockhead.website/dokuwiki


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