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Update Notes

Feature: Send/receive system

  • Right-click on a lane and select "Add Send Bus" to add a Send block. Incoming audio from the lanes above will be recorded to the send block.
  • Select "Add Receive Bus" to add a Receive block. The Receive block header has a button for selecting which Send block it connects to.

Feature: Baking wait time setting was added to the bakery settings page
Update: Blockhead no longer hangs when creating large input buffers
Update: The last selected filename is now erased from the "Save Project As" dialog box when it opens (so it's less easy to accidentally overwrite a project)
Update: Blockhead now writes 32-bit WAVs in floating point format instead of integer format, as 32-bit Integer WAV files are not supported by some other audio products (notably Ableton Live).
Bugfix: Crash if a manipulator block is closed (ESC while hovering it) when it has not been expanded at least once
Bugfix: Crash when undo'ing a block unsave operation after it has been collected
Bugfix: Crash when clicking the "Don't show this again" button
Bugfix: Crash if a deletion operation involving both a manipulator and its target block is undone
Bugfix: Likely crash when sending a MIDI note-on event on Windows or macOS
Bugfix: Possible crash if a block is deleted while baking is in progress
Bugfix: Bakery tasks are not aborted when project is closed
Bugfix: Blocks lose their background color after closing the choke editor
Bugfix: Muted tracks are sometimes not muted when bouncing or exporting
Bugfix: Choke coloring visual effect only works for the lane directly above
Bugfix: Adding a manipulator target parameter is not undo/redoable if it is selected using the picker thing
Bugfix: Modifying choke envelope triggers a block rebaking in situations where it shouldn't
Bugfix: Tempo shading doesn't always match the associated guide block when it is initialized
Bugfix: 'Smooth transitions' option is missing from synth and effect context menus
Bugfix: Warp Markers popup help panel is empty
Bugfix: Sampler block waveform sometimes doesn't update when a "Replace Sample" operation is undone
Bugfix: Choke envelope segment sizes can get messed up during a tempo transformation operation
Bugfix: Waveform preview is missing from export dialogs
Bugfix: Sample export directory is not remembered
Bugfix: Imported keybindings are not saved to settings unless a manual change is made afterwards

Plugin Updates:

Freeze v0.4.2:

Bugfix: Introduces a glitch at the start if formant is above zero


Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)
Wiki: blockhead.website/dokuwiki


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