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Update Notes

Update: Block context menu can now be opened from its low-detail visual representation
Bugfix: Many potential crashes which can occur after objects are deleted
Bugfix: Crash when envelope points are recreated via a redo action after the block itself was redo'd back into existence
Bugfix: Possible crash when a track is deleted
Bugfix: Possible crash when resizing a lane
Bugfix: A manipulator set to "affect all tracks" doesn't consistently connect to valid destination blocks on another track when they are moved into range
Bugfix: "Bounce" item is missing from the meta block context menu
Bugfix: Choke coloring sometimes doesn't work until lanes are reordered
Bugfix: Low-detail block visuals can overlap track volume controls
Bugfix: After dragging a tempo guide, blocks sometimes stop snapping to it


Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)
Wiki: blockhead.website/dokuwiki


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