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Yow! I was so busy at cons, I forgot to make my usual monthly round-up post! But rest assured, another big batch of rewards was released at the start of this month, including:

All backers got an early preview of this month's S&F Beach Special!

S&F Extra backers got a big new S&F Extra post offering a behind-the-scenes look at my recent comics, beach art and commissions!

Art Vault backers got a fresh Vault update with more critter portraits and marker art! (There are over 2805+ pieces in the Art Vault!)

Saucy Hippo backers (18+ only) got an extra big update to our nsfw collection, including two new comics pages and three new pieces inspired by backer suggestions... plus bonus nsfw variants of two of our recent Beach Special comics! (There are now over 525 comics and illustrations in the collection!)

Thanks, everyone. Happy August!



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