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The Saucy Hippo Vault has been updated with three spicy new illustrations inspired by backer requests... plus a bonus NSFW version of an upcoming comic in our Beach Special! You can find the full uncensored versions of all of 'em in Recent Additions.

Once again, I've combined ideas from a number of different backer requests for the inspiration for these three pieces. (Got any suggestions you'd like to submit? You can do so here!)

The resulting Dev and Gert pieces are relatively self-explanatory, but the jazz-themed one might test your knowledge of S&F trivia. You may remember the Nudey Blues band from the Bats On, Bats Off storyline... but what you may not have noticed at the time is that their drummer is actually Wendy from Dev's college boyfriend's band, Dysmalkyss. This results in an unexpected second appearance of Wendy in our request series... a pretty good feat for such an obscure character!

Meanwhile, we've also got a sneak peek at a NSFW version of an upcoming comic in our Summer Beach Special! This was a very funny one to make a variant of, for reasons that will become obvious when you read it.

Thanks, everyone! I've been travelling almost non stop for con work the past few weeks, so I've really been putting the iPad through its paces to make all this fun stuff! But I'll be back home soon, and back here with more goodies and more Personal Training.
