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Over the new couple of weeks, I'm going to be running a beach-themed Summer Special over on the Sam and Fuzzy site. It started yesterday! I think it's going to be a lot of fun. It's partly inspired by "beach episode" tropes from sitcoms and anime, and partly inspired by those old Marvel Swimsuit Specials from the 90s. (Does anyone else remember those?)

Anyhoo, I thought I'd kick off the month by sharing a sneak peek at an upcoming page with y'all! The Summer Special is going to feature appearances from a whole bunch of my characters, but by god, this page actually features Sam and Fuzzy. Both of them! At the same time! I know, I'm as surprised as you are.

Anyhow, you can look forward to more beach antics throughout the month. And Saucy Hippo backers can look forward to some exclusive pages, too. Woo!



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