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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at what I worked on last month.

In the gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as well as an animated GIFs of how the latest platformer art came together.  And down here, I'll provide some info about each one!

Platformer Series - Newest Additions and Complete Set Thus Far
With our latest six additions, I have now drawn 72 pieces for our platformer series! 

In the gallery above, you'll find:
-A full set montage in the new "circle background" style
-A full set montage in the original "solid-color background" style
-A making of GIF, and individual close-ups, for the latest 6 character set
-New "spot circle" style versions of all our previous character sets

Yes... I went back to make "circle" style versions of all our older pieces, just to see what it would look like compared to the old style!

It's interesting... I really like how the circle style looks when viewing individual characters or small sets. But for the giant 72-image montage, I'm not sure if I prefer the circles or the solid-colour backgrounds! The former has an appealing uniformity... but the later is really vibrant, and reads more clearly when viewing the image at a smaller size or on smaller screens.

What do you think? Which style do you prefer?

Pet Portraits
Here's a fun trio of pet portraits from this year's Gen Con! From left to right we have a guinea pig in a minion costume, a corgi dressed as Kyoshi from Avatar, and a cat dressed as Negan from The Walking Dead. (The cat is, in fact, actually named Negan irl.)

"Draw my guinea pig as a minion" was an amazing cursed request. I am particularly pleased with my idea to have the little guy's head poking out of the minion's eye hole.

Larger individual versions of all three of these can be found in the gallery above!

Dragon Cat
Another convention request... this time to draw someone's cat as a dragon. Not much to say about this one... just thought it looked cool!

Fuzzy and friend
I drew this piece for a friend of a friend. It's Fuzzy, riding their real life dog like a horse. Very rarely do I get a chance to engage the "Sam and Fuzzy" part of my brain and the "pet portrait" part at the same time.

Card art
Last but not least, here's sfw versions of 3 more of my favourite pieces from the playing card series I've been drawing for the Saucy Hippo tier! I'm particularly happy with Nicole's card-suit-themed tattoos and the completely insane look on Baker's face.

'til next time, team!



The Zeruz

Who is the green rabbit? I can only think of Bucky O'hare


That's Jazz Jackrabbit! It occurs to me I probably should have included the list of who everyone is, haha...

Joshua Little

I think I do prefer the circles version. It looks a lot more... cohesive. Neither is bad, though.