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The Saucy Hippo Vault has been updated with six new pin-ups, completing our Strip Poker series! You'll find both sfw and nsfw versions of each card -- plus images of the complete 14 card series -- in Recent Additions! (I've included the sfw version in the gallery above.)

I had so much fun making this series! I included every character that at least one of you said was your favourite on our Saucy Hippo survey, which led to an interesting mix of both major and minor cast members.

It also resulted in the exclusion of poor old Mr. Y... a character a lot of you like, but none of you picked as your fav. Sorry, Y! But don't feel too bad for him. He, Jess, Dev, and X will all have plenty to do in our next comic story, which I'm working on now!

It's been a hectic month for me, friends. I was out of town for over half of it! But I'm back home now, and will have plenty more to post for y'all over the next week. See you again soon!




these poker card pieces are so fun!