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I've had a real hankering lately to get back to my platformer project -- where I attempt to draw as many "platformer" video game characters as possible -- so here are nine more!  In the gallery, you'll also find a montage of all 50 (!) that I've drawn so far!

Which characters should I draw next? You can vote for some of my ideas, or suggest anyone I left out, in this survey here! I am interested in PLATFORMER characters, both famous and obscure, from all eras of video games.

As for the latest 9 additions... from top to bottom, left to right, we have:

-Banjo and Kazooie (from the N64 game)
-Pac Man (as seen in the Pac Land platformer arcade game)
-Astro (from the PS VR and PS5 games)
-Bonk (from the series of 8 and 16bit games)
-Spyro the Dragon (from the 3D platformer series)
-Hat Kid (from the indie platformer A Hat in Time)
-Luigi (in his cloud costume from Mario Galaxy 2, but posed like he was on his old McDonalds toy)
-Jump Bug (the star of the first ever side-scrolling 2D platformer)
-Tempo (from the very obscure Genesis and 32X games)

I have so much fun with this project, so I will probably keep revisiting it from time to time. It's my favourite genre of video games, but I also just really love cartoony "mascot" type characters! I really enjoy looking back at all the attempts to make "the next Mario".

'til next time!



Kelley Engineering

I haven't thought about Bonk in years! I bought it on Wii way back when without knowing anything about it. I've never had so much fun not knowing what the hell was going on.