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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind the scenes look at what I worked on last month. 

In   the gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as  well as some animated GIFs of how some of them came together!  And down  here, I'll provide some info about each piece!

Fuzzy Through the Ages
In the gallery above, I included a photo of the actual drawings I made for the Fuzzy Through the Ages comic. (See? They really are brand new drawings and not just old ones I dug up, haha!)

You'll see the "childhood" and "teen" era Fuzzys are drawn much smaller than the others. I don't think they would have looked right if I hadn't drawn them like that... I used to draw pretty small as a kid!

You'll also catch three of the remaining six Fuzzys: Noosehead-era Fuzzy is third-from-the-left in row one, and an original Buddy Bot and NMS-era Fuzzy are the first two in row two. (And the remaining three are cut off at the bottom. Spoilers!)

Sneak Attack
This is a new pin that I designed for this year's (online) Gen Con Pin Bazaar! I won't be attending the in-person Gen Con this fall (if it actually happens), but the pin will be available to buy in my online store during the event.

You can see the full making-of process in the GIF in the gallery. It was pretty involved! And as you'll see, I only realized at the VERY END that I should put pointy little claws on the cat's toes. (Obviously!)

For those who don't play D&D, "sneak attack" is a rogue move where you get to add a bunch of D6s to your attack roll when you attack from stealth. I have only really ever played rogues in D&D, so this is a move I am very familiar with. Ha!

Pubbly Logo
This is a logo for a reader's podcast! I don't often do logo commissions, but I felt like I could do this one justice, so I gave it a shot! As you'll see in the sketches in the Gallery, the commissioner's original idea was to combine a beer mug with a bong, but it wound up not really reading clearly at a small size. So we put 'em side by side instead!

Beaker vaccinates Bunsen
Here's another drawing I drew for social media science doggos Bunsen and Beaker! They wanted to get something to promote vaccines. I think it's pretty cute, although for heaven's sake, don't let a dog give you a needle.

As you'll see in the making-of GIF in the gallery, I had to correct my original sketch because I drew the vaccine being administered way too low on the arm. Gotta have accuracy in our drawing of dogs administering vaccines to other dogs!

Arcade Progress
Finally, here's a little progress image from the custom arcade cabinet that a reader is decorating with commissioned art! This piece is laser cut, and will be illuminated when the unit is complete. It's going to look pretty sweet!

In the gallery above, I also included an image of the original art for reference.

Thanks, everyone!



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