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It's time... time to take the Saucy Hippo annual survey!
This is your chance to tell me what kind of characters, comics, illustrations, and nsfw content you want to see on this tier. I heartily encourage every single one of you to fill it out -- be you a long-time backer or a brand-new one -- so I have an accurate gauge of what the people want!

There is also one pretty time-sensitive question... I want to know what comic stories you most want to see me draw next! It is time sensitive because, well... I will be picking a story to start next pretty soon! So vote early if you want to influence that decision! Otherwise, I will consider everyone's votes for the next next story.

And what the heck... let's say I'll also draw bonus illustration for this month based on the most popular character, illustration and content answers, as they stand by May 24th. Party!
Thanks, everyone! :)



Alex Beaton

Spelling error "change" in place of "chance"