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An epilogue for Private Time has been added to the Saucy Hippo Vault! You can find the full uncensored version in Recent Additions, or read the entire story in Comics! I also made a little bonus pin-up version of one of the panels I particularly liked. I've included the SFW variant above, and the NSFW version in the vault.

This is definitely my favourite chapter yet. And it has set up so many fun things for me to do next! 

I hope you are all well! As you may have heard on my main site, I have been dealing with some health stuff over here and had to take a bit of time off. But I'm on the mend now, and I'm looking forward to making more Saucy Hippo stuff! There have been so many new subscribers this month... thank you! More backers means I can spend more time making this stuff... and I've got tons of stuff in the works that I think you'll dig.

ALSO: in a little bit, I'll be sending out this year's big Saucy Hippo Survey! I waited until this chapter was done, because part of the survey asks about what hypothetical future comic chapters you are most interested in seeing! (And I didn't want to spoil the ending of this one, haha!)




You are the hero my weird, horny brain needs 🤤

Michał Matyas

Se-quel! Se-quel! Se-quel! Se-quel!


Haha! There will definitely be multiple sequels to this one! A couple of different threads to follow up with Dev, Jess, and Gert/Sam here!