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A brand new 5-part Striptease set has been added to the Saucy Hippo Vault! You can find the full uncensored set in Recent Additions.

Several people requested Cynthia for this year's Secret Santa! and I'm happy to oblige because she is really fun to draw! Who doesn't like goth vampires? It's also been a while since I did a striptease set, so I decided to do one for her. I decided to draw and upload the full 5-part thing all at once because I'm an overachiever. (lol)

Cynthia was recently introduced in the story I'm currently running on my website. I assume everyone here reads those comics, but if not... you should! Especially the current story, which is all about the Saucy Hippo club and its performers. In the gallery above, I've included the specific Cynthia-related page above that inspired this set. (Especially the ending.)

Thanks, friends! I will be back soon with some new sexy comics for you. It is time... for things to get saucy. (I mean, it is always time for things to get saucy around here, but you know what I mean.)



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