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ARGH. Ok, let's try this again. Sigh...

A brand new, extremely nsfw piece has been added to the Saucy Hippo Vault! You can find the full uncensored version in Recent Additions. I also made a little sketch comic to go with it!

To  start, here is the first of our winning "Secret Santa" suggestions! The  request was to see Andrea fooling around with two "surprise" costars.  That immediately reminded me of an idea I've been kicking  around for a story involving these three. So I decided to run with that  idea and just kind of, uh... cut to the chase!

So, does that technically mean this piece counts as a spoiler? Ha! Oh well. It's probably for the best. I have so many fun ideas for Saucy Hippo stories... probably more than I can actually draw. And for now, I want to focus on the comic storyline I'm already working on! 
But  for fun, I sketched out a rough comic page to go with this piece, just  to convey a little bit of the flavor of the hypothetical story I had in  mind. Maybe I can draw more of this tale in the future? Or maybe I can  use this approach to explore bits of other "untold stories" and ideas?  What do you think?

I had to hunker down for a couple of weeks to  focus on finishing my Kickstarter bookplates... But now I'm back, and  ready to stuff the back half of this month with all your usual Saucy Hippo goodness. See you again soon with more fun stuff!



James M

Going to be interesting to see if that accident brings in more Saucy Hippo tier backers, haha


None yet! But to be honest, I think all my backers on the lower tiers are well aware of what gets posted here already, just because of the monthly round up posts. That's actually probably part of why I felt extra bad about my accidental mis-send. I feel like I'm already asking folks on the other tiers to tolerate a certain amount of "advertising" of my sexier stuff... I don't want to spam them even more about it. :)