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Click here to weigh in for this month's art vote! I really enjoyed drawing this big batch of alternate universe Fuzzy's last month, so I'm going to be doing a whole second bunch for August. Get your votes in by August 16th!

Meanwhile, this six-pack of Fuzzys -- based on many of your votes and suggestions from last month -- will double as an opportunity to try Patreon's new image gallery function! In the gallery, you'll find close-ups of all six:

-Barbarian Fuzzy
-Abe Lincoln Fuzzy
-Ms Fortune Fuzzy (from Skullgirls)
-Noir Fuzzy
-Hair Metal Fuzzy
-Teddy Ruxpin Fuzzy

These were super fun to draw, and a fun change of pace from all the mega serious stuff going on in the comic last month. Thanks for all the fun ideas! I'm looking forward to doing more this month.



James M

That beard picture raises a question for me - is Fuzzy actually...fuzzy? I.e., hairy? Horrible Realistic Fuzzy implied so, but that was satire.

James M

I must know the texture of this character. It's crucial to canon.