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The Pin-Up Vault got a huge update today with a new page of "Steamy Suggestions" and two new pin-ups: "Andrea Signing" and "Striptease Gert". You can find 'em all in Recent Additions. (And they all be NSFW.)

In Steamy Suggestions Pg. 5, we start to get some metaphorical steam in addition to the literal variety. I tried to get a little extra creative with this shower sequence... which will continue in our next update!

"Gert Striptease" is a kind of supplement to "Gert's Debut". As much as I enjoyed the crazy silliness of that comic, I thought it was a little funny that by the time it was done, we still hadn't ever seen the real Gert doing an actual proper on-stage striptease. So, I decided to stop teasing everyone and challenge myself to draw a moment from an actual "serious" Gert performance. (And for for fun, I included an alternate version with her "Allison" wig.)  

I tried to be a little more indulgent than usual with the pose and perspective of this one... it's pretty gratuitously bootyriffic, but I like how it turned out.  I am actually really curious to know if people would prefer to see more of Gert's crazier comedic performances, or more straight-ahead indulgent "serious" ones... or if they just like a mix of both!

"Andrea Signing" rounds out this update with something a little lighter and sillier. Consider it a sequel to the "Andrea Concert" piece from December 2017. Longtime readers will know that Andrea's a major Noosehead fan, but I think this is the first thing I've ever drawn where they actually meet. I actually have a few ideas for Andrea/Nicole stories I'd like to do in the future! But for now, here's a brief shared moment from their respective pasts. 

This update was huge! I'm starting to wonder if I should be breaking these up into more individual posts throughout the month, instead of combining them all into two larger ones like I do currently. What do you think?



James M

This update is of satisfactory quality.