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crawls out of the dirt

Oh hey, it's been a while! I apologize for things being a bit quiet on my end- I recently started a new job that's very physically demanding, so a lot of my free time has just been spent resting. If that didn't eat enough time, I've also been in and out of the doctor's office while trying to get treatment for a sleep condition! So yeah, a lot of snoozing time lately.

On the bright side, I've been getting strong enough at work now that I'm not nearly as exhausted as when I started, so I'm starting to get back in the swing of comic stuff! And lately I've had something that isn't On Borrowed Time taking up my mental real estate. So consider this as a soft announcement for my original comic, Nothing Gold Can Stay!

Not a lot for me to publicly say about this project so far since it's still in its infancy, but the general idea is "PMD but with dragons and I'm legally allowed to monetize it". So if you like OBT, you'll probably like this comic too! At this point in time I've got a rough outline for the comic, a handful of character designs, and the first chapter written, so I'm already on my way to have this start posting before the end of the year. I'm not sure yet if I'll open a separate Patreon for this comic- I know some folks are here mainly for the poggermons, and I wouldn't want to clog feeds (though feel free to let me know what you think)! Hoping to start posting Chapter 6 of OBT soon, so keep your eyes peeled!



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